Chapter 1

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Hinami was walking home one day. It was raining and Hinami had an umbrella. She noticed a girl walking in the rain witnout an umbrella. The girl looked exactly like Kaneki, even having the same white hair and black nails. Hinami puts the umbrella over the girl "You might get a cold out here." She looked at her, her face lacking any emotion "I'm fine kid" Hinami blinks, "At least come inside the cafe you're leaning against, a cup of coffee will warm you up" she smiles sweetly. She looks at her, slight curiousity goes across her face "why are you being nice to me?" "We should look after our own, besides everyone needs friends even us" she takes her umbrella down and shuts it as she starts to walk up the stairs leading to Anteiku "I'm sure you'll find some here" She follows her and looks away as sadness comes across her face "I can't even find the one person who I considered a friend..." "Who knows, you might them in here. " she smiles and outstretches a hand "It's worth a try right?" she looks at her for a second before taking her hand "I guess. My name is Kira my the way, Kira Kaneki" Minami smiles "I'm Minami. Are you related to Kaneki-kun?" She asks as she walks up the stairs pulling Kira with her. She looks at her "Ken Kaneki? Yes, I'm his twin sister. We havn't talked in a few years though. I left to study Ghouls. One thing led to another and now I am a Ghoul"

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