Chest Pains

390 17 55

Long ass A/N at the end :))

Zack's pov

I was leant up against Alex's front door. Yeah, I know it's a bit nosey but I don't trust Alex. He's probably in there ripping Jack in half or something. I was ready to burst down this door if I even hear anything that sounded like Jack calling on me.


It didn't take me longer than a second to clearly hear Jack call my name and burst down the door. I walked in on Jack scared out his mind, with Alex pressed up against him with a knife to his neck.

I didn't say a single thing, and ran towards Alex. I pushed him off of Jack, and went to check on him.

"Babe, you okay?"

"Aw, you called me babe."

"Jack," I said sternly, "Go wait in the car."

He rolled his eyes at me. "But I want to see you beat the living shit out of Alex!"

"Jack, ju-just stay out of the way." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, then went over to Alex, who was slowly getting up.

"Well, isn't it Zachary." Alex spat my name.

"Don't you dare ever call me that again," I spoke to him in a pissed tone. "Hand over the knife, and nobody gets hurt."

"I'm not letting you no where near this, unless you want me to stab you with it, Merrick." Alex gave a devilish smile, which instantly made me charge for him.

I went for a punch, but he countered by moving out of the way. As soon as he moved, he tried to stab me in my chest, but I held onto the knife, and reversed it where it stabbed him in his shoulder. I let go, and watch him wince at the pain his shoulder was giving off. He fell to his knees, and hissed multiple times.

"Oh shit!" I heard Jack say in the background.

I kicked his face in, which made him fall on the ground. I took the knife out of his shoulder, and went for the other one, when he held onto it, almost out-strengthening me. We were battling for it, when it fell out of both of our hands.

I went for it, but Alex tripped me, making me fall flat on my face. I slowly got back up, but only to come face-to-face with Alex, as he held the knife in his hand.

"You shouldn't fuck around with criminals, Zack."

And with that, he stabbed me right below my heart, near my torso, almost killing me.

"ZACK!" I heard Jack scream, then pushed Alex out of the way. He came to check on me, while I slowly got back up. I held my torso, looking down at my bloody hands. I glanced at Alex.

"This isn't the last time we'll meet." I walked over to the door, Jack right behind me. I didn't feel like attacking him any longer, because I knew Jack would get hurt if I did.

"Oh, I know. Just make sure that when we reunite, you bring your little bitch Jack with you so I can fuck him one last time before I kill both of you." Alex gave that creepy smile, again, before throwing the knife at us, making me close the front door quick.

"Zacky, are you okay?" Jack asked, helping me walk straight.

"Yeah, I totally didn't get my chest impaled by a knife three minutes ago!" I sarcastically replied.

"Sorry, habit!" Jack joked, helping me in the car.

"Shit, that looks bad." Jack stated, "I'll bandage it when we get home." Jack held my hand in car, while we drove back to his apartment.

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