Rules, Rules, and more Rules.

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The world we live in now is not a bunch of rainbows.

It's a utter shit.

I know what your thinking. "Vivvian You're just being sad."

But, the world is literally a hell hole. The dead are walking amongst the living. That sounds like some cheesy shit you'd hear out of a horror movie, but technicaly were living in a horror movie.

No one's really sure what happened. Some used to say it was God punishing us. Others said it was a disease. Many said it was a fatal lab explosion.

All that matters is the fact the world fell apart. No more government or money or anything. There wasn't laws. There was just you and the will to survive.

You ether died, or you died trying.

And if I was gonna die by some rotting waking corpse biting me. Well I was gonna die trying to bash that dead fuckers head in.

My Dad made these rules to protect me and my younger sister Amelia.

Rule 1: Stay with your bag.
Rule 2: Aim for the head.
Rule 3: Always have a weapon.
Rule 4: Don't hesitate.
Rule 5: Double tap.
Rule 6: Travel light.
Rule 7: Buddy system.
Rule 8: Don't trust anyone.

The rules were simple. Well....they were until Quentin March fucked everything up.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. I should probably start with my name.

My name is Vivvian Myers. And my dear friends I'm just a teenage girl living in a zombie apocalypse.

It sounds a lot more scary then it really is when your Dad was crazy and made you train for stuff like this. He basically made me a monster killing machine. Which I mean has its perks.

But right now, I'm not so lucky. Amelia Myers my 10 year old little sister is sitting in my 1975 chevy singing at the top of her little lungs to one of the many CD's I have in my console.

Amelia. The little love of my life that makes this all worth while. Her light brown hair with streaks of gold from spending time in the sun are all gathered at the top of her head in a messy bun. Her face is round and she has big eyes that hold baby blue orbs. Her long lashes reach up high her skin is slightly tanned. She's incredibly small for a ten year old.

Maximus my German Shepherd sits between us his tail lightly taping against my side.

Maximus wasn't really my choice honestly I would have left him. But, he saved Amelia from an ambush attack and with her pleading and his puppy dog eyes he grew on me. He's now part of trio.

Amelia leans forward turning down the radio and looks at me. "Where are we going Viv?" She asks her cocking her head to the side.

I give her a quick glance before my attention snaps back to the road. "We're gonna go to a Walmart o saw a while back, we're running low on supplies."

She's twiddle her thumbs between her, something she does when she's nervous. " you think we can get more coloring books?"

Even though we live in a zombie apocalypse I'm still with a ten year old. If I think about it to long it makes me sad she's forced to grow up at such a young age. She had her child hood ripped away before it really began.

I pushed the unpleasant thoughts out if my head as I thought of the rather difficult task at hand. I had to get into this Walmart and get out safely. I looked at A her child eyes wide with hope. "Of course love." I cave to her seemingly small request.

I don't know how many walkers were roaming this Walmart and I would rather not find out. But we need supplies to survive.

"Amelia, get the list out of my bag." She does as instructed. Her tiny hands searching until they found the crumpled piece of paper.

I had a habit of writing out lists when we were low on supplies, or really anything. It was just something I did.

Amelia smoothed it out and read off the contents of the list. I was only really half listening most of my attention was on the road ahead my fingers griped the wheel tightly.

When I saw the old Walmart sign a nervous bubbly feeling took my stomach. I was always nervous with stuff like this. Not really for me but for Amelia. I was always horrible worried something would happen to her. Although Maxi boy and her had this weird connection. You could tell that Maximus simply adored her. He normal kept her out of harms way if I had my hands full.

I pulled into the parking lot shutting of the car and grabbing my bag slinging it on to my shoulder. Amelia blot on her Nemo bag before grabbing her tiny pistol. I had taught her how to use a gun a while back I made sure that she understood it was for emergency.

I pulled my shotgun out of the back. The cold metal pressed against my skin relaxed my nerves. My body was used to the weight the feeling of the gun in my hand gave me a sense of comfort. I had other guns like a pistol strapped to my side and a knife in my boot, but my shotgun was my go to weapon.

Amelia had I grip against Maximus's collar. Something she did, Max would normally drag her to safety. I could tell she was nervous.

I gave her a small smile before looking ahead.

This was gonna be fun.

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