Perfection in His eyes.

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☆Freya's P.OV☆

I woke up with a headache,it was Saturday, I was just going sleep through the day. I didn't go to school yesterday because I was feeling a bit sick.

Gray on the other hand, texted me a million times saying how sorry he was and how he would do anything to make it up to me.
He called every day.
I never expected fountain high's golden boy to beg a nerd like this.

I got Drew to submit our project so Mr Healy wouldn't have our heads.
So today was a free day.
I had my bath
Ate breakfast and went back to bed.

I had just drifted away to sleep, when kimmy came to wake me up
"Kimmy what the hell? Leave me alone, it's saturday"
"You have a visitor", she said before walking out of my room.

I sat up and put on a sweat shirt it covered the boxers i was wearing, so i kind of looked like I had only the sweat shirt on.

"Drew I thought you had a music recital", I said thinking it was Drew

But it wasn't.

It was

"What are you doing here?", I managed to say
I was shocked.

"Freya I'm sorry", he said, he looked like he hadn't slept in days

With that, I told him to wait, I went upstairs and changed into a basketball shirt and a pair of pale blue jeans.

"Let's go"I said heading out the front door
He followed me.
We walked silently to Central Park
And I came to a halt.

I sat down on a bench and he sat beside me.

Everywhere was silent for moment.
Then I decided to talk.
"Gray, I don't want......... "

"No, wait", he said cutting me off

He stood up and knelt down in front of me.
No one had ever done that for me.
"Freya Autumn, I know I did you wrong, I took you for granted and no words can ever explain how sorry i am"he said closing his eyes.

Was he crying?

"Gray, stand up", I said standing up from the bench and walking away.


He was proudly kneeling for me in  public for everyone to see.
He was Gray Parker
Teen hot model.

"Gray I want you to stand up and leave me alone", I said sternly

"Freya I'm sorry for not defending you, for letting Bree disrespect you, for letting them throw food at you and most of all I'm sorry for not protecting you"

"I don't need your protection, Gray, I have been doing just fine since", as I said this tears trickled down my cheek.

"Gray I trusted you, I was so stupid'I said raking my hand through my hair.

"Just stand up"

"Not until you say I'm forgiven"

"Is that what you want?!!!", I yelled

"Fine!!!, Gray you're forgiven "

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