Chapter 3

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Five years later

"Listen! I'm Keith Shadis! I'm your instructor!" a bald man yelled out to the rows of kids in a training uniform facing. He had bald, with a slightly tan complexion and prominent wrinkles on his forehead with are dark circles around his eyes. 'He already annoying with his loud voice' I thought as I stood next to Sayuri on my right in one of the few rows that are only couple away from him. Every trainee wore a open brown jacket that had a symbol of two swords in a X formation with a gray background of a hexagon on the breast pocket, right shoulder, and back with their shirt underneath and white pants with black boots that had straps that wraps around their legs. 'It's uncomfortable in this uniform.' I thought as I pulled on my collar shirt slightly before resting my arms back to my side.

Keith started to go through the rows while looking at them and stopping a few times to yell at them. The people he yelled at were shaken up of were about to cry after he basical insulted them. After he looked through the trainees, he would tell them to turn around before going on to the next row.

Keith stopped at a blue eyes and blonde haired boy in our row and yelled at him. I couldn't hear them though the boy looked like he was going to piss himself.

"Poor, Armin." Sayuri said quietly so that only I can hear. I glanced at her from the corner of my eye while I still faced forward. 'Armin? Wasn't he one of the main character's' friend that was bullied all the time for wanting to see what's beyond the walls? I think he is.' I thought to myself as looked forward. Keith started to walk towards us and started at Sayuri.

"What's your name, soldier?" he yelled at her.

Sayuri did the salute of putting a fist over her heart and her other hand behind her and yelled back with a smile, showing no fear of the man in front of her. "Sayuri Koizumi of the Shiganshina District!"

"Koizumi, what is your purpose of being the army?" he yelled in her face again by my ear. 'He's busting up my eardrums.' I complained to myself as I slightly leaned away without them noticing while still keeping an eye on them just in case.

"I'm going to help humanity be free from the Titans and stay by my friend's, Tsubaki, side." she answered back and looked at me with a grin on her face. My eyes widen at the last part. 'Why did you dragged me into this, Sayuri?' I thought irritated while narrowing my eyes in a slight glare towards Sayuri without Keith's notice.

"Is that so?" Keith said interested as he turned to face to me with a serious face. I glanced back at him and made eye contact. He looked at me and started to stray his gaze to my scar on my right cheek before his gaze met my eyes again.

He yelled at me, "What's your name, soldier?"

I did the same salute as Sayuri as I responded in a bored tone, "Tsubaki Yukimura of the Shiganshina District."

" What is your purpose of joining the military?" he yelled again. 'I'm getting tired of his yelling.' I thought as my eye made small twitch in annoyance.

"I'm going to help humanity not live in fear of Titans and make them be free of this cage." I responded in a bored tone while looking at him in the eyes.

After a moment, he said, "At least you guys show some courage. Maybe you won't be eaten by a Titan", he turned around and yelled while walking to the next row, "Row 7, about your face."

As I turned around, I met the gaze of a teal eyed boy with brown hair looking at me in curiosity and awe from across of me. I ignored him and looked at Sayuri. She grinned up at me as I glowered down at her. I faced forward again and saw Keith held a boy, who did the salute wrong, by the sides of his head while saying something of having to know how to do the salute correctly. He sudden stopped talking as he looked at something. I followed his gaze and saw a girl eating a potato. He dropped the boy and started to walk towards her. As they started to talk, she offered him a quarter of the potato with a smile on her face. After a moment, he smashed the offered piece in his hand. I nearly laughed out loud with Sayuri at the look on the girl's face as she was staring sadly at the smashed potato. He made her run laps until after dinner.

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