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On Thursday, I didn't speak to anyone at school. I was definitely feeling depressed about the whole Zion situation. We met eyes several times during lunch, and in the halls, but I was too busy pretending to be engaged in whatever the guys were talking about to even attempt a conversation with Zion. We all decided to skip the rest of the day and drive around.

While we were in the car, Theo noticed that I was zoning out, staring out of the window.

"What's wrong Peanut?" He asked. David was driving, Theo was in the front seat, and Emory and I were in the back.

"Yeah bitch you've been moping all day." David co-signed.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Stop lying." Theo told me as I rolled my eyes.

"If he don't wanna talk about it, leave it alone." Emory said defending me.

"Thanks." I whispered looking his way.

"Well, me and Theo finally found out how to get some more money." David announced.

"What is that?" Emory points to David's right hand and on his finger was a giant red stone.

"Oh this? Just a little something I picked up." David smiled and Theo laughed.

"What's going on guys?" I asked.

David pulled us up to the park and we all got out of his car. We walk to an area full of picnic tables and we pick one under a big tree. We all sat down.

"Remember when we were little, and we used to come out here?" David asked.

"Yeah I lost my virginity out here." Theo said, chuckling.

"Congratulations." I said, waving my hands in the air.

"Don't get mad because you and blue balls over here are still virgins."  David laughs.

"I'm perfectly fine with being pure and sanctified like I am." I said.

"So what's this new 'product' you guys were telling us about?" Emory asked as we sat.

"Should we corrupt their innocent minds?" David asks. Theo nods with a devilish smile.

"Spit it out damn you!" I screamed.

"It's us." Theo says, plainly.

"Us? I don't get it." I said.

"Oh hell no! You guys didn't do what I think you did." Emory shouted.

"I only did it once I promise." Theo put his hand across his chest.

"Did you two have sex for money?" I asked, softly.

David pulls out a wad of cash and shuffled it onto the table.

"Guilty." He says.

I watched as all of the twenties and hundreds fluttered to the surface of the table. I covered my mouth.

"It's just the same as messing around with high school niggas, except... You get paid. And the dick is as twice as good." David laughed.

"And no emotional baggage." Theo chimed. I cut my eyes at him.

I didn't know what to think at this point. What the hell were they doing?

"So you wanna turn my landscaping business into an escort service?" I ask.

"You wanna go to that fancy school right?" David begins. "Or are you too 'pure and sanctified' .. and innocent?" He added.

"You'd be surprised." I say lowly, referring to the encounter with Dr. Johnson.

Destructions of Our Sins [BoyxBoy]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن