Chapter 10: Different Moments, Same Fate

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Everything was going down-hill... Everyone is about to die, and nobody seems to like it. Rose is near death, Jake and Maria seems to be handle just fine, but Snowflake must have something hidden... And Zackie...?

Where Zackie is...

Zackie was standing in a hill, planting something, as he looked quite scared. "Alright... I never thought I had to use you again..." He said as then he seemed to be planting a bean. Once he was done he step back a bit and then a black head popped out. And it's full body came out, as it was completely black and it's eyes were bloody red. It laughed a bit and looked over Zackie and kneels down. It speaks in a weird language as then Zackie nodded. "Good that your loyal as always. I must ask you a favor. Rose.. she is in trouble. Go over there and save her. I need to be somewhere else." Zackie nodded and then the black thing flew away. "Well... let's see how better you are from the rest... Saibamen." He said as then he sensed Jake and Maria and flew to them, it didn't took long as he landed. 

He noticed an alien that was shorter than Maria and Jake, but was stepping over them, like they were nothing. Zackie was about to yell, but then noticed they were still breathing. "One after another... Well, this one is familiar. Remember me?" The alien said as then Zackie tried to remember and then the memories flashed through his eyes. "You... BASTARD!" Zackie yelled as then his surrounded started to compress. The air around him started to change into another element, and then he threw his arms up and then he quickly lowered them around the level of his thighs, as then the whole air around him turned into pink and it slowly formed into an aura. The aura was growing larger each second, by now he was screaming. The memories trigger something inside of Zackie, as then his hair slowly floated and turned to green, but it only lasted for a second. He stopped screaming and then the aura became nothing as then his eyes were serious, and had a killer intent. "Oh! I see, you know such thing... Well, let's see your pathetic power level now, shall we?" Snowflake said as then she grabbed Maria's scouter and put it in her ear and scanned Zackie. The scouter went to numbers. "59-" Before she could even finish, the scouter blew up and she looked surprised. "I see... a saiyan like you could reach such level? Interesting... another reason to kill you!" She said as then she dashed to him and then, Zackie got into a weird stance. "Ape-fighting style..." He said as then he looked like an ape that wants to protect it's child. While she was about to strike him, he quickly grabbed her fist and then use his feet to strike her in the face, and then throw her away. "Never..." He said and was about to continue but then she appeared behind him and did a round-house kick to the back of his head and while that moment, Zackie quickly grabbed her feet and use raw force to lift her and slam her whole body to the ground. After that, he didn't bother to stop, so he went ahead and step over her body. "Oh, I am sorry... I didn't knew pathetic aliens were suppose to be alive." He said in rather weird voice. It sent chills down Snowflake's spine and she tried to get up but noticed he was stronger than her. "H-How... Your power level is not even that high..." She said as then Zackie put more pressure on her back and she yelled in pain. "You read wrong... And power levels are bullshit, don't ya know? Rather... I am more experience than you. What happen before doesn't matter. After all, I am her son... What do you expect?" He said in rather cocky voice. "Y-You bastard... finish me off already." She said as she couldn't bear the pain anymore. "Why would I do that..? I rather like the cute look you have now. Being weaker than a saiyan like me... Ah, it brings joy to my face. Rather than Snowflake, I should call you my bitch..." He said as then he showed off a new side. Snowflake couldn't bear the pain and just wanted to leave or die. She could pick either one. But Zackie had other plans.

Where Rose is...

There was rather a chance. The alien was now cornered and looked scared. She gave off a human-like skin, have blue hair that are pony tails and it was now tainted with red. Must be Rose's blood. And she is wearing something rather weird. As she is wearing a robe that is brown, and she seemed to have blood in it too. While Rose's armor seems to be broken already, she is still standing tall. Rose was covered in bruises and blood was running from her mouth, and she seemed rather weak. "Why... your a fucking tuffle! Why are you so damn strong?!" Rose yelled as then the alien laughed. "I was training you see... my wife trained me each day." The alien said as then Rose looked shocked and pointed at her. "So wait... YOUR A LESBIAN?!" She called out as then the alien sighed and nodded. "It's not that surprising. I mean, I can of speak like one... right?" The alien said as then Rose was now tired of this, so she dashed to her but the alien laughed. "Sorry, but what?" The alien appear to be on-top of Rose. "Wh-" Before she could finish, the alien blasted her with a rather huge wave that sent her straight down to the under-ground. "Man... You are rather weak. I am not even sure the saiyans were the one who brought the tuffles genocide..." She said but then Rose flew faster than the alien eye's and kick her in the stomach. The alien wasn't able to react fast enough, and she felt the sudden pain. Then she looked rather mad as then she tried to grab Rose's leg but Rose was able to able to move fast enough to appear behind her and kick her straight down but then a black blur appear and kick the alien far away. After it the scene was stable, the black saibamen was floating and looked over Rose. It screech and then Rose nodded. "Amazing... A normal saibamen wouldn't be able to do this. But hey, I can't say anything about Zackie's saibamen. Or, that is what you said. Anyways... let's turn the tables around!" She said and the saibamen screech yet again and they both followed the alien.

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