Backstory Chapter 7: A fight that was not meant to be...

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It was bright. He stared at the ceiling with some advanced light bulbs. He sighed as he looked over the clock that was pointing out the time. 9:01. He was rather annoyed she was one minute late. Zakarott would throw his hands to the sky and try to calm down. He was rather mad as he would get up from the couch he was sitting. He stare over the mirror and saw he's hair was pink. It wasn't even long... He would touch it as then he heard a door open. He quickly turn to see an adult. He would sigh as he saw it was Russelliana's mother. He would hold his chest, touching his armor. "Oh? What are you doing here?" Scarlet asked as then he would look at her while trying to explain as he sighed. "Well... I am waiting on Russelliana. I was going to have a play-date with her!" He meant beating the living shit out of each other. Scarlet looked confused. "But she is in the arena now... Didn't you hear? They're fighting to see who's better to defeat Frostia, the ruler of the Galaxy." She said in a worried. "But she only wanted kids.." She said as then she looked worried. Zakarott looked confused as then he burst out of the room and ran fast. "She... wanted to fight alone?!" He yelled as he ran through the halls. After a bit he stopped by the royal arena's entrance. He stopped to catch his breath as then he saw some fireworks go off. He knew he was late so he got surrounded by ki and burst through as then he landed while rolling and he stood up to see all the kids were about to run until Zakarott burst in. "WAIT! I want to go too!" He yelled as then a lizard-like being stood a front of him, almost instantly. The lizard has some weird horns that were long and there was some dark purple sphere in the middle. He looked surprised as she didn't even look like a simple Saiyan. "You... dare to get in the middle of this fight?" It asked in a deep tone, almost mad. "No. What I'm trying to do..." He said as he lift his fist and aims at her. "To join. I want to show myself worthy." He said as then the lizard laughed. "I won't even need to use my scouter for this weakling!" She said as she took off her red scouter and broke it. "All of you monkeys are weak anyways. Go on, join. I dont' even care." She said as she moved away instantly and he walked up to them and saw them already fighting. He couldn't keep up so he surrounded himself with ki again and started to dash to his enemies and kicking them in the stomach, later to grab them and throwing them to the wall and knocking them out with a blast. He did the same until he stopped to see Russelliana and him were the only one left. He looked at her and sighed. "I'm sorry... I need to win." He said and she nodded. "Just don't go eas-," Before she could even finish, the lizard would clap her hands. "Well done! Now, how about we turn things? Kill each other..." She said as then Russelliana and Zakarott would stare at each other and tried to understand the moment. He didn't want to do it. But as he was about to speak, a sudden feet was on his face, making him slide backwards. He looked surprised and he stare at her. "W... What?" He said as then this time she threw a fist and he catch it. "Wait..." He said as he pointed at his scouter and kicks her away. She held her stomach. As then he whispered something and she heard it through the scouter and nodded. She got up and then charged a beam. It was a weird stance but he didn't move. "I'll let you have one free hit! Go on, princess. HIT ME!" He yelled as he sounded serious. As then she launched a beam and he catch it. Barely. He laughed and stare at it as then he moved his hand and got hit as then he landed onto the ground and his power level was decreasing. Russelliana walked over him and put her foot on his face. "Now what, low class? Anything else? No matter of training could had prepared you for this moment. Now... die." She said as then she shot a ki blast onto his right side of his chest. Then she walked away and the lizard was laughing in a maniac way as then she would look at the winner. "Well done! Now... since you won. How about I give you a challenge?" She said and then walked up to Russelliana and was standing a front of her. The lizard was rather small so both of them were almost the same height. "Don't take royalty softly." She said as then the lizard laugh and then both of them clashed. It only last mere seconds as Russelliana landed onto the ground and breath rather hard. The lizard would sigh and would walk away. "Snowflake, Mango, Dry, come. It's time to destroy this planet." The lizard said as then they flew to some spaceship and flew out of the atmosphere of the planet. The audience were watching with gasps. As then Zakarott stood up and walked up to Russelliana and picked her up and walked up to the royal nurse room. The nurse in that room looked surprised and Zakarott put her in the bed and the nurse looked over the Zakarott but he gave off a look. "Just give me a quick healing. I need something to do." He said with no shine in his eyes. His eyes were dead. The nurse got shivers going down at her spine as she didn't had no tail. "R-Right sir! I'm not used to this... I'm just a mere Tuffle!" She said as then she would pull out some kind of small machine and injects him with a needle. He felt angry as then he would walk away. "I'll come by later. Check on her. She's more important than me." He said as then he left quickly and flew out of the whole place.

In space...

Zakarott would be staring at the atmosphere and he would leave it and saw the spaceship and the lizard making some weird ball of energy. "Now! How about we see some fireworks!" She yelled as then the ball grew in size. Zakarott would look surprised but then something flew by him and he saw what it was. His mother! She flew straight to the lizard and she would hit the lizard, but it did nothing but the lizard did cough and the ball became smaller. "Y... YOU LITTLE MONKEY!" The lizard yelled and kicked Xenos away as then she went flying back to the planet. Zakarott would still be there. "You too? Or do you want to try to stop my ultimate move? I call it Super Nova." She yelled as then Zakarott would be trembling. He knew he didn't stand a chance, but even so. He flew a little close and pull his hands out, attempting to grab it. "Oh? Not going to lie... for being a low-class, you have the balls!" She yelled as then she threw her blast. It was too huge! Even so, he stood his ground and then he grabbed the blast as he felt his hands burning. He grit his teeth and tried to push it back but couldn't. "RAAAAAAAH!" He said as he was surrounded by his ki. "This monkey can put up a fight... But how?" She said as then she folded her hands. Zakarott would be getting tired but then, he felt something inside of him... bursting. He pushed forward as then he would feel a new strength. He's eyes turning white as then he would be yelling. Suddenly, her blast... became nothing. All that mass she made, was turn into nothing. She looked surprised and then she would be gawking. "W-WHAT?!" She yelled as then Zakarott would be panting and looked up to her and put up his hands again. "If... you want... to try against... us Saiyans... or even my planet... go ahead..." He said with his eyes being completely dead. "I'll be there... to back them... up..." He said as then the lizard would laugh and go back inside of her ship and leave. Finally, Zakarott's eyes would close and he would begin to fall back to his planet, bursting onto flames due to his falling speed, but as he was about to crash, a pair of arms catch him. It was... warm. With his final moments of seeing, he simply stare at red hair... almost like a scarlet color. He would smile and try to reach for the person's face. "Rest now... you did fantastic..." She said, as then he knew who it was. Scarlet... He would finally give up and Scarlet would be hugging him now. "Great job... my low class soldier.." She said with a happy tone.

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