I'm Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a/n

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*Camryn pov*8:30 am*

I woke up to Jacob jumping on me. "Wake up!!!! We are leaving in thirty minutes!" Jacob yelled. I got up frightened.  "Don't do that!" I yelled hitting him with my pillow. He just started laughing. I grabbed my clothes and pushed him out. "I'm changing. Good bye." I said.

When I finished I opened the door and saw Jacob just standing there. "Why?" I asked him. "I don't know. I'm done with everything." He said. I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs. Jacob followed me. When we were downstairs, we saw Lilac and Mrs. Sartorius on the couch. Lilac's bags were beside her. Mrs. Sartorius looked at us. "You guys ready to go?" She asked us. We all shook our heads. I was so excited!!!!! I'm ready for this!

*At the airport*

We've waved Mrs. Sartorius good-bye. We she walked out, we turned around and saw Mark, Bryce, Loren, and Joey. Jacob put his arm around me and we walked towards them. Loren pointed at both of us. "When is this?" She asked us. Me and Jacob looked at each other and smiled. "Relationship goals!" Jacob yelled. We all started laughing. "Okay, let's get on the plane." Bryce said. We all went to the door leading to the plane.


You guys I know I claimed I would update everyday, but can I settle down first?

I have to deal with all the work from my new school and all the moving we have been doing.

I promise though that next chapter I do will be longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg and goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddddddddd :(

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