Taylor Kim (BEFORE)

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"Thomas!" Taylor tossed and turned in bed, groaning as he felt the bed spin. Or was it the room spinning? Whichever it was, he didn't like the feeling. His butler walked in and immediately, he hovered over the boy. His parents were gone again on a business trip but it wasn't new. Thomas was practically his parent. He pressed his hand against the boy's forehead and he frowned; Taylor was burning up.

"You need some medicine." Usually, Tay would brush away the older man's 'babying' but he was far too sick to complain and complied. He ate some oatmeal already prepared and then took the cough medicine. Once the bitter taste left his mouth, he turned to Thomas.

"I'm fine... can you just... give me some space? I'm not going to school." Tay lifted his upper body by his arms and let out a heavy breath, waving away the butler. "Hand me my phone, please?" Thomas obliged and handed the young master his phone.

Eventually, the older man left Taylor alone and he shakily punched in a message to Nate.

[MSG:] not comin to school
[MSG:] tell me what i missed in chem

Other than that, the boy fell back against his sheets and shut his eyes. Maybe when he wakes, the spinning would go away.


A crash resounded from the main living room, if that's what you could call their sad mess of an apartment. Taylor kicked and yelled, having one of his fits again but this time it seemed to rival against James. Suddenly, he grabbed his guitar by the neck, heaved it over his shoulder and with a shout, he slammed it against the wall.

The world didn't stop spinning.

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