Nate Kim (BEFORE)

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He always woke up early, along with Haden. Being the most athletic out of all of them, they made it a habit to go jogging every morning.

Nate eased out of his bed, not at all bothered by the cold temperature of his room, and turned off the alarm. He had woken before it went off again and sometimes he wondered why he even bothered setting it each night. The routine was heavily engrained now and the steps he took across his room to the joined bathroom was just his body on autopilot.

It was when he was dressed in track pants and a loose shirt did he realize that he did everything without even being fully conscious. Was that a good thing? He didn't really care. He grabbed his earphones and keys and exited his home through the back, skimming through his messages from yesterday to see current ones from Haden.

[MSG:] running a bit late, sean needed some help
[MSG:] meet @ mcdonalds for breakfast??

Nate replied back with an 'ok' and continued his route, doubling his laps since Haden won't be there with him to crack some stupid jokes. It seemed a little lonely but he didn't mind it. Independence was something he was proud of anyway.


He ran and ran, uncaring how his lungs seemed to be screaming for some type of rest. It wasn't until his legs gave out and Nate practically had to drag himself behind a dumpster to hide from the red, white, and blue sirens. His breathing was heavy and loud and he was scared that it would give him away.

Eventually, the cops drove past his hiding spot and he walked back to his apartment, the one he shared with his friends. He hated being away from them, terrified that they'll be gone by the time he made it back home.

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