The horror

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"Frank, tell Cletus to come upstairs. It's dinna time!" Mom said holding a spatula.
"I'm on it ma'am." Frank said. He noticed the lights where off in the basement and Cletus was no where to be found.
"Hey...Uhhhhmm.. Cletus, dinner is ready... Your really freaking me out." Frank said.

"wELl dON't bE sCAREd." Carnage said. Not Cletus. Frank turned around and saw a big red and black foot liquids figure leap at him. All he could do was inhale.

2 minutes later..

"Ahhhhhhh!!" Frank yelled. Stanley, mom and dad went to the basement door way to see if frank was ok. All they saw was a lifeless body being dragged away into the darkness.

"Hahahaha." Carnage said slicing up the body.
"What the heck is going on here?" Stanley said. They Heard aloud gooey splatter noise followed by foot steps. Then, it was completely silent.
" who is going down their first?" The father asked.
" I will. Do you guys own anything that ejects bullets?" Stanley said.

" you wanna shoot your friend?" Asked Bailey.
"The man took down Stanley! I bet you he's not a man." He said

" Call the cops." Bailey suggested.
"No. Our friend needs help. He is probably in a phase." Frank said

"I'm going down their." Frank said. He snatched the flashlight out of the mothers hand eagerly and ran downstairs.

" A monster!" Frank said pointing to the red beast like footprints. He shined the trail of them but they started to go on the roof. He stopped where the last set was and shined his light. Carnage was their.
"No!!" Frank yelled until CHOMP! Frank's head rolled away from his body.
" delicious." Carnage said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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