Kendall Imagine: The Day You Met

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I was walking down the street. It was poring rain, i was wet and my innocent eyes were filled with tears. As I walked, I looked at my feet. Each time the cold rain hit my wet, shivering body, chills were sent down my spine. Now, you must be wondering what a girl in my condition is doing walking down the street in the poring rain... If not... Rude much? Okay. Back to why. My boyfriend of 1 year was cheating on me with my best friend since preschool. But, thats not what set me off. It was that they were doing it in MY house. While I was at work, he invited her over. A few times, I came home while she was still here and she always came up with a different excuse. I walked in on them doing... Things... In MY BED! I was livid. I simply said all of his things need to be out including him by the time I got home. That was 3 hours ago. But I just cant bring myself to face that house and all the memories it holds. I continued down the darkening road. THUD! I felt my fragile body hit the drenched concrete. "OH MY GOD! I AM SO SORRY!" A husky voice said as two hands wrapped around me and pulled me to my feet. "No no! Its okay. I-i-i w-wasnt looking where I was going." I stated still looking at me feet. He must've noticed me stuttering. "Hey. Whats wrong?" He asked engulfing me in a hug. I didn't quite care I just met this guy. I needed a shoulder to cry on and he was offering. "My b-b-boyfriend and my best friend were sneaking around behind my back c-c-cheating in my h-house." I said completely breaking down. "Im sorry. I dont even know you." I said puling myself together. I looked up and realized who this kind man was. His emerald green eyes. "Wait... yes I do... Kendall Schmidt. From Big Time Rush." I continued. "That'd be me." He said with a half smile. "Now that you know me, i need to know you. I mean, you did cry on my chest." He said with a slight giggle. "My names Britta. And I'm sorry about that." I said. "Well, Britta, which by the way is a beautiful name, would you like to join me for a coffee?" He asked. "Uh... I don't want to be a bother." I said looking at my feet once again."No bother at all. You're really beautiful and your boyfriend was stupid to cheat on you like that." I turned a deep shade of red. "Okay then." I said slightly looking up. "Then shall we go?" I nodded. That day was 7 years ago. And Kendall and I have been together ever since growing stronger as time goes on.

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