Kendall Imagine

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This is it... He's leaving for a 1 year tour. I would only be with him 2 weeks in the 6th month. School. Stupid. Stupid. School. We were in his small cluttered room at his parents. He was visiting with them before tour an of course, we refused to leave each others sides until he had to get on the plane after his first show in California (where we are.) 21 years old and I am in love with the one and only Kendall Francis Schmidt of Big Time Rush and Heffron Drive. The Summer Break Tour was starting today. (AN: I know it wasnt a month long but to add effect. And he hasnt ever sang Memories and Melodies yet!!!!) we left the room after crying for a while. "Baby we can always text, call and Skype EVERY free minute I have!" He said hugging me and kissing my forehead. "I know." I said while wiping me last big of tears. We walked out after saying goodbye to Mama and Papa Schmidt. We got into a black SUV that was waiting for us and began to drive to the concert. We finally got there and Kendall wet to get ready while I sat front row. As fans came in for Soundcheck, they all fan-girled when the saw me. I took a few pics and signed some autographs and talked to a few fans. Soundcheck started and Kendall was basically staring at me. When it was time for the questions portion, I raised my hand. I was called on first. "Yes Courtney." Kendall said giggling. "I was wondering why you keep staring at your girlfriend while these fans here paid all this money to sit here and get you to look at them once." I asked trying to refrain from laughing. "Well, ya see, my amazingly beautiful girlfriend wont be on all of this tour with me and I wont actually see her for 6 months. So I want to memorize her exact features while she is happy so i can remember her happy face when Im sad." He said smiling like an idiot causing me to blush and the small crowd to roar with awes and giggles. They went on and soon it was concert time. I sat front row center besides a sweet rusher named Maddie and a sweet rusher named Chloe. We had a blast and were laughing so much. It was towards the end of the show. All the lights turned off and you could see stage help moving around on stage. A single spotlight went on above a single stool. A second later Kendall walked out with his guitar. Fans screamed and I just looked as confused as ever. "Hey guys!" He spoke with such confidence although off stage he is extremely shy. "I have a new song I would like to sing to you guys! Its a solo and I have been working on it for a while. So I hope you like it!" He was looking directly at me while he said this. I blushed. The fans went crazy as he began to play. When he finished, he smiled wide. "That was Memories and Melodies. A song I wrote about a special someone in my life. Ney, could you come join me?" He looked at me. I smiled and walked to the security who helped me up on stage. "Courtney, i know going on a full year tour will be hard for me and you too. You will be coming for 2 weeks in the 6th month. Thats because that will be our 6 year anniversary since we started dating. We have never broken up. So what In trying to say is" he got down on one knee and pulled out a velvet box "will you marry me?" I started crying and couldn't speak so I nodded. He stood up and spun me around. The crowd roared and awed and cheered. "IM ENGAGED!!" Kendall yelled as James, Los and Logan ran out Carlos with a camera in hand. "THE FUTURE MR AND MRS SCHMIDT!!!!!!" Carlos yelled. Well, i may not be with him for a while but we will always have Memories and Melodies.


(AN: hope ya like. That song is life... Just sayin

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