Chapter 3

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You and Sans decided to go back to his place as it was the safest place to go.

"I insist you walk in front of me, i don't want someone attacking you from places you can't see." He said, scratching his skull. You thought this was a kind gesture so you gladly walked in front of him

"Thanks, i never knew you care-"

"Also i wanted to look at your ass." He interrupted abruptly. You scowled at him but he only shrugged his shoulders and sighed

"A mans gotta do what A mans gotta do." He said while chuckling at your disgusted expression. You kept walking knowing full well that your skeletal companion was staring at your behinds. You kept walking straight considering you were in front and Sans wasn't telling you where to go. You turned around and saw... Sans was gone? You panicked and sprinted back in the direction you came "Sans?! Where are you?" You yelled running a bit faster until suddenly you fell to the ground with thump.

"Idiot." He laughed and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. Of course, he was planning to trip you up the whole fucking time. "Don't act like you knew where you were going." He made you feel bad for being so confident. Soon enough you were in Snowdin. The village was nice, there was a shop, a motel and a cute little restaurant - well, it looked cute from the outside anyways. Sans soon pulled up to a massive, wooden house. it was beautiful. He dropped you to the floor and unlocked the door, walking in and shutting the door, leaving you outside.

"H-hey Sans?" You said cautiously. You heard loud fumbling and flicking of papers.

"Sorry i had to put some... picture books...away." He laughed nervously. You shook it off. Surely he could read? He opened the door, his face slightly flustered. You noticed a bead of sweat rolling down his cheek.

You stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do. He walked over to the worn-out sofa, plopping into it, his body sinking into the soft foam. Sans stared at you from his place on the sofa. He patted the seat next to him showing he wanted you to sit there. You nervously sat beside him, look forward and hoping you wouldn't make eye contact with the skeleton. He was staring right at you, his eye cautiously scanning your body. He scanned your every curve and point. Your skin looked soft and he wanted to touch it. He'd never touched human skin- or flesh for that matter. He was gonna test something. He stood up and stretched, even though there was no muscles to stretch, and walked to the kitchen. He snooped over to his candy stash, rummaging through empty wrappers and candy that had yet to be opened. He found a lollipop that he stole from Frisks friend. He eyed the wrapper, making sure the sweet was fully wrapped and still good to eat. He read the writing on the wrapper

CAUTION! Choking Hazard; Small Parts. Liquid Centre.

He chuckled at the last part. Now he remembered why he stole it. When satisfied that he had the right lollipop he stumbled back into the living room, dropping down next to you. He passed you the hard candy, a devilish smirk masked over his face, his brows furrowed.

"Eat it." He said forcibly. You studied it before slowly folding back the wrapper and slipping onto your tongue, swirling it around. It was strawberry and cream flavor and it tasted amazing for monster food. Sans watched you secretly, waiting for you discover the secret center. You sat back, the skeleton almost chuckling at you. His plan was going great...

Suddenly, you bit down a bit too hard on your candy pop and it burst into your mouth. A red, thick, strawberry flavored substance coated your tongue. You lunged forward, sputtering some of it onto your lap. It was dripping down your chin. Now it was his chance.

He grabbed your chin, Turning you to face him. He grazed his thumb bone over your chin, clearing up most of the substance. His mind was blurry. The liquid reminded him of blood. He so badly wanted to bite into your skin seeing as now he had touched it. That was the plan, he would get you messy just so he could touch your skin. He looked up at you. Your face was red with embarrassment and confusion. He felt like such an idiot for almost showing his kink.

's-shit Sans... Not now, not yet. You can't show your weakness.' the skeleton told himself in his mind

He cleared his non existent throat and moved back to his original spot, his soul calming down.

"Sorry, Thought you hurt yourself." He licked his thumb. "Strawberry, huh?" he looked at you, his eyes half lidded. "Tastes like shit." You sighed. He was getting on your nerves.

"So, where am i gonna sleep?" You decided to get used to life here. He laughed and picked up the TV remote and switched the TV on.

"With me, Of course." He seemed completely calm about you sharing a room. You were okay with that.

"Oh well, do you have like... an air bed for me to sleep on?" You were enthusiastic about setting things up now.

"No. You're gonna have to sleep in my bed with me, unless you wanna sleep outside." He flipped through all the channels, the static rambling of multiple voices, commercials and theme songs mashing together.

"Great, I have to share a bed with a pedophile, psychopath skeleton man with magic powers. Wonderful." You whispered under your breath to nobody in particular.

"What was that?" He asked, His eye glowing a dangerous red color as he snapped his head toward you.

"N-nothing!" You backed away and shook your head, your eyes widening from the sudden outburst.

"S A Y I T O R D I E"

You felt something soft wrapping around your arms, forcing you down. Sans was hovering above you, His eyes hollow with a single red flame. His grin was crooked and sadistic. You squirmed underneath his body trying to pry free an arm. He howled with laughter.

"Y O U ' R E P A T H E T I C"

You froze. You weren't leaving soon. Suddenly, Sans smashed you against the wall, staring you down. His tentacle wrapped tighter around you. He walked towards you and chuckled at your weak form, his tongue drooping out of his mouth.

"Y O U ' R E W E A K"

He got close to your face, his tongue snaking across your neck. you cringed, why was he doing this? as Sans continued you heard the door open. Sans dropped you, quickly sitting in his seat again and leaving you on the floor in a flustered mess. You looked up to see Papyrus who was glaring at you and....


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