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The hospital was silent as you could here her scream the doctor and nurses rushing to her aide a man next to her holding her hand he was in pain as well she was holding on so tight that his hand was turning blue "Okay one more big push" the doctor said she started to scream suddenly you could here a baby crying "Congratulations it's a girl" the doctor said showing her the baby and handing it to the nurse "Oh there's one more come on one more push" she scream again "Another girl congratulations" he said handing the nurse the baby they were handed back to the mother after they were covered up she started to cry she couldn't believe it was twins "What are there names mam" the nurse said "Juliana Shosanna and Juliet Bella" there mother said looking at the baby's "Beautiful first names and middle names" the nurse said as she rode them down on the birth certificate "I need you sure to sign here and you mam to sign" the man sign and then he took the two baby girls for that she could sign it. Days later they finally went home a lot was going on but the twins were there only priority the man reckless behavior was driving a thread in between them one day the man came home to find that there woman had left with the twins and left a letter saying that she had left because she couldn't handle it anymore he look and look and one day he found her they talk and she said that she didn't want him in there life anymore and they left it like that but he still looks after them even if he isn't there.


The Rose twins are now 15 they have never meet there father but they really don't care about that the twins have a strong bond with there mother and they really don't have a lot of friends because they choose not to they are very close to each other until one day there mother was involved in a car accident in wich the car had hit her there god perents were dead so the police look up the father they were astonis by who it was but it was up to them to make sure they were with a perent the police contact him and told him what had happened the twins were taken to there home to pack there stuff to go to there father house this is there story and how there life has changed for the good and the bad.

DaughtersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora