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The cop's had told us to get our stuff that we were going to our father's house to stay there until our mother was better "I don't want to go to that man's hose Juliet he has done nothing for us" I said folding my close into my sut case "Juliana we have no other choice he is our legal garden pluse he's our dad you have to cut him some slack maby there is a reason for him to leve" Juliet said getting our stuff from the restroom. When we we're done we got into the back of the cop car and drove off I started out of the window Juliet was silent as well we had pulled up to a huge mansion "Well it's hard to find a reason why he left now Juliet " I said looking at her she started to put her long ginger hair up in a ponytail "Shut up Juliana and get out" she said pushing me out a man was standing there talking to the cop until he saw us Juliet was looking around and I turned to look at him is brown eyes look at my big blue eyes we keep staring at each other until Juliet started talking to me and our eye contact broke "What yeah yeah yeah it is" he sartet walking twords us "You must be Juliana" he said pointing at Juliet "And you are Juliet" he said "No I'm Juliana that's Juliet" I said pointing at her with my head "Oh my bad" he said we stud there looking at each other "Come inside" he said graving our bags it was huge inside I couldn't belive it 2 men came and took our stuff "What are they doing" Juliet said "There taking your stuff to your room" he said walking up the stairs into a big office he sat in front of the desk and we sat on the opposite side it was silent for a moment until Juliet spoke "So we're you surprised that we were coming" she said nervously "At first but then I heard what happened with Rachel and knew I had to take my daughter's in" "Well that's a first" I said in a very low voice "Juliana" Juliet said looking at me he look at us like if he was trying to read our minds or something like that " So what exactly is that you do I mean come on you can't possibly be a normal person with a normal job to afford this you got to be a mobster or something to get this kinda life" I said is knew that I had pulled the trigger when he had gotten very serious "What makes you think that Juliana" he said looking straight at me he could make any one afraid of him I could tell but not me I was duff as neals will Juliet was not she was the more quite one "Just say it's not like it's ture isn't it" I said with a smirk "Of course no" he said "You got your mother's aditud kid" he said looking at me and ignoring Juliet "I'm not a kid" I said with my best poker face "Juliana behave" I could here Juliet say "I am" I said turning to looking at her "I like your kids" he said leaning back "Were your kids your supos to like us" he stood up straight "Juliana stop being a smart ass" I heard Juliet say "Sorry" I said standing up "Can I go outside with my sister you don't expect us to stay here all day" I said "Go ahead" he said I grabbed Juliet hand and pulled her out of her seat open the door and walk out side. "There is something he's not telling us" I said sitting down on a swing that was attached to a tree Juliet was setting down under the tree reading a book "Well maby he wants to keep us away from harm" she said turning a page "Yeah but like what" I said pushing my self "Can you just drop it please" Juliet said looking at me I nood my head Juliet was always the calm won of or family will I was the truble maker it started to rain so we ran back inside we sat down for dinner we really didn't eat much we had left early and went straight to bed my room had a twin size bed with red and black covers a table next to it and other stuff Juliet room was the same too.

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