Roomates (PewDieCry)

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Chapter 8

(Friday night)

I walk into the apartment, Felix was flipping through channels, looking to see whats on. I walked past him and was about to go down the hall, when he stopped me.

"Hey Ryan", Felix said.

"Yes?", I asked.

"Do you like Harry Potter?", He asked.

I smile slightly, "Yeah, why?", I asked.

Felix smiled brightly, witch made me blush a little.

"They're gonna play all the movie in a row, want to watch with me?", Felix asked hopefully.

I nodded and said,"Yeah, that sounds fun."

Felix giggled a little bit and said, "Hurry up my fellow wizard and get ready, while I conjure up us some popcorn!"

I laughed at his dorkyness (idk if thats a word *shrugs*) and go down the hall and slip into some sweatpants. I came back and Felix was waiting for the popcorn to pop, so I went to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

A few seconds later Felix comes back with a large bowl of popcorn, I could smell the crispy butter corn balls from here, he sits down beside me.

He was looking through his phone while he said, "Mark is on a date with Amber and Kens' is out of town so it's just you and me tonight", he finished putting his phone in his pocket and smiling.

I nodded a little bit, but kept my head down so my hair would hide my blush somewhat.

(Time skip)

We watched the first two movies, there were a few comments from Felix and myself ,but other then that the only sounds were the movies and the popcorn getting pickup and munched on.

After a while I noticed it was getting a bit to warm, so I slipped my baggy green hoodie off.

Then all of the sudden Felix grabbed my arm and the popcorn flew everywhere.

I gasped, he scared me.

I had sudden flash backs of my past when he grabbed my arm.

I flinched and closed my eyes shut, but nothing happened, all I felt was Felix holding my arm, and after a moment, I felt a small drop of water fall on my arm and roll down.

I open my eyes, what I saw was not the usual happy Felix.

Felix was crying.

He was crying, while covering his mouth with his hand, still holding onto my arm.

My body slowly becomes less tense.

"Felix?", I ask, it was a question, but it also sounded concerned.

"W-w-why, w-what, why did-d you d-do t-this", Felix said though sobs.

I was confused for a moment, then looked down at my arm.

It was covered in many scars, some smaller, some bigger and thicker covered my arm.

I can't look up at Felix, so while I stare at my scares I say, "Felix, it's okay they're from a long time ago, please stop crying friend", I finish desperately.

He continued to cry and I wasn't sure what to do.

I slowly pulled my arm away, he continued to cry with his head down.

"Felix, it's okay", I tried to say ensuring.

"N-no, no i-it's n-not o-okay", he said still crying.

I sat there, not sure what to do, I've never had anyone, besides my mom, care about me this much. What do I do?, I thought to myself. I can't just let him cry. What do people do when someone is crying?, my mom hugs me until I stop crying, maybe, no. I look up at him and he still is crying, he looked so hopeless, like when....I cut those thoughts off, not now, I think.

I hope he doesn't take this the wrong way, I think.

I scoot closer to Felix and then put my arms around him, It was kinda hard since he was somewhat taller then me, but it worked.

I could feel him pause for a moment, then I felt arms go around me torso, warm and protecting.

We just sat there, Felix sniffling as he slowly stop crying and me red faced because, of course, I was embarrassed.

We then pulled away from each other, I couldn't look at Felix, so I looked down.

"Ryan, why did you, I mean you don't have to tell me." Felix said, but I cut him off.

"I trust you, it's just hard for me to talk about", I said a shaky.

A paused came from Felix and then he said something that shocked me.

"I know we only been friends for about two weeks, but I care about you, you're a good friend of mine and it kills me to see you were in pain, short pause, I care about you even more then I would say out loud", Felix said with meaning that I almost couldn't fathom.

I looked up at him, I studied his face, he had a slight blush, his eyes were as bright as day, still a little wet and he had a slight smile, witch was full of emotions of caring and understanding.

Right there and then I knew I fell for him, so hard it almost hurt, but I couldn't tell him and that killed me and the fact I was thinking about the past killed me more.

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I started balling my eyes out, I put my head in my hands so Felix wouldn't see my face.

After no more then a second I felt those comforting arms around me again and that calmed me down.

He let go and sat there, waiting quietly for me to collect myself, I knew he was waiting for me to tell him, about my past, I almost wanted to run out the door to avoid this, but also at the same time wanted to tell Felix.

I took in a shaky breath and began.

"My past relationship when I lived in Washington....I-I was in a-a ab-busive r-relationship", I stop for a moment trying to not stutter and concentrate.

"At first they seemed so nice, so caring, but all changed soon after",I took in another large breath, trying not to cry again.

"I cared about them so much, I loved them, but then they hurt me and I was scared, but every time they hurt right after they hurt me, they immediately after told me they loved me and, I shook my head slightly, I believed them, I believed every lie because I thought they loved me, I was so....", I trailed off because I could feel tears running down my face and I couldn't stop shaking.

I was still looking down when I felt those arms again surround me with comfort.

I started to cry harder and I continued for hours while Felix whispered comforting thing to me.



Thank you.

Hey sorry i didnt update for a while. I honestly dont have a excuse so im sorry again but thanks for reading and if you like this story dont forget to vote and comment. Thanks ^-^

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