Roomates (PewDieCry)

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Chapter 15

                                                                                     (Next Day)

I woke up the next day to a bright white ceiling. I was confused for a moment, but then remembered what happened.

Felix must have brought me to the hospital, I thought.

I sat up and noticed Felix was fast asleep in a chair by my bed. His eyes were red and puffy as if he were crying.

Did he cry because I past out?, I thought.

I stared at him for a little bit until I heard voices outside in the hallway and after a second the door opened. 

"Oh hey you're awake!", Ken said excitedly. 

"Nice to see you're awake", Mark said.

When they said that Felix woke up.

He saw me awake and tackled/hugged me.

"Thank God, thank Lucifer, thank whoever, you're awake!!", Felix said like he was so happy that he could explode.

He hugged me for a bit longer than got off the bed.

"We were all worried, especially Felix", Mark said teasingly. 

I blushed a little when he said that.

"Well yeah.....Ryan's important to me.....just like you guys", he added in. 

There was an awkward silence until Ken cleared his throat.

"Anyways Mark and I went and got everyone shitty hospital food", Ken said lifting a bag full of to go containers. 

Right as he said that the doctor walked in.

"Oh Ryan you're awake, there is someone else here to see you", he said. 

I was confused, did my mom find out and come all the way to California?

I knew she did not have the money for that.

"I will be right back, I'll go get them", the doctor said as he was leaving.

"Who's coming?", Felix asked me.

"I-I don't know", I said stuttering.

We all waited in silence to see who was coming.

The door opened and who came in was the last person I wanted to see.

"Nice to see you Ryan", said Nate in a devilish tone.

My heart started to beat faster and I'm sure I looked like a deer in headlights.

"Oh, who is this Ryan?", asked Felix.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't breath.

"Awe Ryan I'm upset you haven't told them about us", said Nate wickedly.

"I-I", is all I could muster.

"Are you okay, you're trembling?", said Mark.

"Ryan is my boyfriend", said Nate abruptly with a crazed grin.

"NO!", I screamed out of no were making everyone jump.

"Wha-", Ken said but I cut him off before he could continue. 

"KEEP HIM AWAY", I screamed through my sobs.

Nate started coming over and Felix stood in his way pushing him back while I cried and cried. Ken ran over to them and pushed Nate to the ground.

"I don't think so buddy", said Ken standing in front of Felix.

"MARK HURRY, PRESS THE EMERGENCY BUTTON", Felix yelled over to Mark.

Mark ran over and pressed the emergency button which was right by my bed, I would have but I was to hysterical to do anything. Right as he pressed it security officers and a couple nurses came running through the door. Chaos ensued with Nate punching one of the officers in the face and then he was pinned to the ground by two other officers. He was handcuffed and dragged out of the hospital room. 

"RYAN I WILL HAVE YOU YOU ARE MINE", he screamed as the officers took him away. 


Okie im sorry i was gone so long 

but i updated


man i missed writing honestly

but there is something i need to say

this story was in a journal i had and so i would copy it out of the journal but i lost it

which made me sad

but it ok because im just gonna sat fuck it and write it anyways

it may be a little messed up sometimes but i think i can do it 


Dont forget to vote and comment and leave suggestion and crap




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