Save me

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The whole school was being decorated for a program that we'd hold every year for our families, of course the students had a day of from classes to decorate. I was decorating the auditorium with my classmates, "Yona, we need to practice now." A girl said to Yona as she ran up on stage, "Sorry, let's start from the top." She said as a bunch of girls came on stage with some props. "Hey, isn't that your sister?" One of my classmate asked. "yeah, she is." I replied as I taped the ornaments on the wall and got down. "what's she doing in the program?" Another guy asked, "Some of the girls in her class are doing some Indian dance and then she's doing a solo performance before the finale." I explained. "She's so cute!" A girl said as she kept staring at the stage. "Everyone ready?" Yona yelled, they nodded as she went to her position. The music started and they started their rehearsal. The dance look like a modern indian dance and they were dancing beautifully, but my eyes were only fixed on Yona. She wasn't the center of the dance but she was dancing elegantly, I couldn't help but smile. When it was over we all applaud. Yona got off the stage and walked towards me, "How was it, Minhyuk brother?" She asked. "It's really good! Who choreographed the dance?" I asked again. "Oh, Sakshi's the one who did. She was really excited to show her traditions!" She smiled. "Minhyuk, I need help over here!" I turned to a guy at the other side of the auditorium. "Gotta go, I'll pick you up in your class after school?" I asked. "Sure." She waved bye before going to her classmates, at the end of the day I was beat. I sat down in my desk, "Hey, Minhyuk. Thanks for your help!" Chen smiled at me. "Anytime." I smiled back. Chen is my best friend, he helped me a lot ever since the incident.

"Hey, I saw your sister doing her performance. She's really talented!" He commented. "Yeah, but too bad that she's only doing this because the teacher forced her to." I replied as I packed my bag, "Huh, she didn't want to?" He asked, confused. "Yeah, she's mostly into studying." I replied. "Well, she got first ranking in the whole country." He added. "She works that hard! In fact, she helps me a bit." I laughed as I stood up with my bag. "Oh, you're going to her class?" He asked. "Yeah, we always walk home together. You wanna join us?" I asked. "Really? Wouldn't it be a bother for Yona?" He pouted. "Don't worry, she's fine with it." I replied. "Okay, give me second." He said as he went and took his bag. We went to Yona's class and I opened the door, "Um, is Yona here?" I asked. "Minhyuk brother!" I spotted Yona waving at me, she took her bag and walked towards me. Her hands were fulled with costumes. "Ready?" She smiled. "Uh, yeah. Sorry but is it okay if we have one more person joining us?" I asked as I pointed towards Chen. She looked at him with a smile, "Okay." She replied, "Nice to meet you Yona, I'm Chen. I listen to your music." He said flustered as he put his hand out. "Nice to meet you, Minhyuk brother talks about you a lot." She giggled as she shook Chen's hand. "Really? I'm not that great to be talked about." He looked down. "But he tells me that you helped him a lot and a great friend. I don't see a reason you're not." Yona replied. "Minhyuk, you talk so much about me? Thank you~" He smiled as he pulled me in a hug. "Okay, I get it you're happy. Now please let me go, people are watching and I can't breathe!" I exclaimed as I get out of his grip, Yona was laughing as she watched the scene. "Shall we go?" I asked. They both nodded as he walked out of the school, "So are you doing anything for the program, Chen?" Yona asked, "Uh, I'm actually in charge of the food stall we're holding." He replied as he looked down, "Oh, what food are you selling?" She asked again. "Um, some traditional Japanese foods like takoyaki, then chicken steak, sushi..." 

"Takoyaki, I love takoyaki!" She squealed. "Chen is an expert in making takoyaki and Japanese foods." I stated. "Really? That's amazing!" She commented. "Thank you but it's not that big of a deal. I heard from Minhyuk that you make his lunch." He added. "yes, that's right. I make lunch for the family since my father and my siblings go for work." She replied. "Well, Minhyuk sometimes shares his lunch with me. You're really good in cooking." He smiled. "Thank you but I'm still a kid so I only know the basics." She smiled back, "How is making the fancy lunchbox you get from restaurants basic?" I asked confused. She scratched her head and laughed. "Well, I have to go this way." He said as he pointed to the right, "Okay, see you tomorrow Chen." I smiled. "Yeah, see you. Bye Yona! Good luck tomorrow." He waved. "Bye, Hope your stall is the hit!" She waved before Chen walked the other direction. She then faced to me, "Sorry, Minhyuk brother if I wasn't talking much to you." She apologized. "No, it's okay. I wanted you two to meet, he's a big fan of you!" I smiled as I held her hand. "Well he's a nice guy. You two must be great friends to let him hug you like that." She giggled. "Yeah, we're best friends. Even though he acts a bit like a girl." I joked. "Hey, when we get home I wanna see your costume." I said. "Okay! That reminds me, Minhyuk brother what are you doing for the festival?" She asked. "Well, I'm having a book stall. The publisher thought it was a good idea for me to sell some of the books there since it's family and a lot people in our age group will be attending." I replied. We reached home and went to our rooms, I changed into my normal clothes and laid down on my bed, I was really tired. Then there was a knock on my door, "Come in!" I said, then Yona opened the door and closed it behind her, she was wearing a dress which is black on top and the skirt was sparkly blue. "Sorry, the other one wasn't given today so this all I have. How is it?" She asked as she looked down, blushing. I walked over to her and carried her in my arms, "You look stunning, Yona." I whispered. She blushed even more and buried her face in my chest, I laughed at the cute reaction as I put her down on my bed with me sitting next to her. "Is this for the solo performance?" I asked. "Yeah, the indian costume is a bit revealing though." She sighed. "You're telling that?" I hugged her from behind. "What?" She pouted. "Nothing, you look so cute when you're pouting." I smiled as I kissed her shoulder, she shuddered and looked at me with soft eyes. "Minhyuk brother.." She said in a low voice. I held her face in my hand as I leaned closer for a kiss, she closed her eyes waiting. I kissed her cheek and leaned closer to her ear, "Maybe later." I whispered.

Memories (Prequel to 'A Love Between Brother and Sister')Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt