Chapter Eight--->>>>

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A/N: Heey! so what's up?? Do you like what your reading so far? Hmm? I don't really check if I spell stuff right sometimes because I just want to hurry and update. So please excuse some of my poor grammar(: I'm going to the movies to see despicable me 2!! I'm so excited.. SO I only have an hour before I have to go, so this chapter will be a little short and I'm sorry, I'll update again tomorrow to make up for it(= SO maybe you guys can Vote? Comment? Spread the word about my story? Okay well



   Chapter Eight


               The branches of the trees broke against my skin as I walked deeper into the woods.  After thirty minutes of enduring the constant snapping against my skin, I finally reached the dirt path. I kept my focus on the road up ahead. All I had to do was turn to my left to see the meadow. The only thing that separated the meadow and the dirt path was the small arrangement of trees in the middle. It was the closest I had been since that night. I finally reached the end of the path that connected to the sidewalk. All I needed to do now was follow the sidewalk straight to Rose's house.

               A Cool breeze brushed past me and I could smell the sweet fragrance of flowers. I took in the smell and immediately regretted it. One look won't hurt. I'll just go check out the meadow to prove to myself that none of this is real and then I'll leave. It's not like he'll be there. What happens if he is there? I gave up on pepper spray along time ago. I remember almost killing Rose. She felt horrible and never forgave herself. Curiosity took over as I turned back around and made my way through the dirt path. My mind screamed at me to turn around, but I never listen. I'm stupid like that.

              Plus there's nothing to fear except fear itself. Hmm. I never thought that that saying would ever come into play in my life. The dirt path seems to go on forever, as if my mind is giving me a second chance to turn around and go on fearing the meadow. It never took this long before. I turn my head and see the sidewalk behind. I could just turn back and do this another time.

               It's not like this meadow is going anywhere, right? It's perfectly normal. No! I've lived in fear long enough. I nod my head and turn to my right so that I'm facing the meadow. The small arrangement of trees that separate the path and the meadow now seem like a thick brick wall. It was something that I wasn't quite ready to overcome yet. This was it. I was going to see the meadow again after two years. This is what I've been dreading. What if now, after two years the meadow has changed. What if when I walk through these trees, I'll see decayed flowers and dead grass.

                What if the tree I wasn't laid against and took comfort in is now withered away and dead. It could have been burned by some immature college kids, having a little drunken fun. Or torn down by Satan himself as a sickening keepsake to remember one of his permanently damaged victims. The lucky one that was not slain. The one that wasn't sucked dry of their very soul. What if when I walk through these trees, I'll have a horrible flash back like last time. On the third day that I was in the hospital my doctors suggested that I should visit the meadow frequently, until it no longer scared me to the point of terrifying night terrors that threatened my life and health.

                   My mom won't tell me where we're going, only that it'll help with my night terrors. Dad said that Dr. Feltman suggested the idea. I'm actually kind of excited! I haven't been out of my hospital room in days! I mean it's not horrible, but it's not home. I feel stupid for having to use a wheel chair. Dr. Feltman said I have to sit in a wheel chair or else I could re-open the cut on my stomach. I've been feeling really weird lately. I've been taking meds that calm me down.

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