Chapter Twenty Seven-->>*#*@>>!!!

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A/N: This chapter shall be sexy, addictive, shocking, riveting, dangerous, and just amazing. I'll try. Our time together is running thin, sadly. So I hope you all love what you are reading regardless of our shortened time. I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes. Comments and concerns are appreciated, thank you. I love you(: Please COMMENT, VOTE , AND SHARE. I'm so thankful to have amazing people like you guys read my story(: There is nothing to say but to...


WARNING: Strong language and Sexual content is present. Viewer discretion advised.


Chapter Twenty-Seven



     As soon as I was out of Amelia's sight I slowed down a little and caught my breathe. I turned my head, making sure she couldn't see me anymore. I watched her take out her phone and turn her back to me, disappearing into the crowd of rowdy teenagers. I smiled to myself eagerly, it was safe. A little guilt came over me, what I was doing was wrong, so wrong. If Amelia found out she would kill me, I was sure of it. However I can't bring myself to resist the urge I feel, I hate lying to her, but I feel as if she's hiding something as well.

    It's not that big of a deal anyway, but I'm sort of surprised that she bought the whole babysitting act, she's the one that acclaims that she can tell when I'm lying or when I'm acting strange. I must be a terrific actor I guess. I checked the time, I had to hurry. I walked at a very fast pace to my car. Once I was in my car I started the engine and sped off. I kept turning and checking to see if people in other cars could detect my strange behavior, as if they cared.

   They were just mining their own business, but I was on edge, I was being sneaky. I just felt like at any moment someone would bust me and I would be in a heap of trouble with both Amelia and my parents. I drove as fast as the speed limit would allow me, I even went over the speed limit a little. What can I say, I'm a wild child. I kept biting my lower lip, the guilt inside me growing. I had even considered turning back around and just picking Amelia up, but the urge was just to strong.

   I don't know what it is, I've never felt like this before and it has my mind buzzing. I pushed the guilt away and kept my eyes on the road. Shortly after, I pulled up in front of Amelia's house. I hopped out of my car and made my way to her front door. Maybe I should leave. I shouldn't be here anyway, I can't be here. I was about to turn around when the door creaked open. I peered up. The sexy smirk pulling at his lips made all questions and doubt fade away.

   "Christoph." I beamed. I felt my lips tingle at the very site of his. "Hi." I stood there, my cheeks starting to redden. He just stood there, taking me in with his deep red eyes. His eyes scanned my body lustfully, making me redden up even more. I'm usually so confident and relaxed with boys, but not with him, not with Christoph. He makes me feel so vulnerable. I smiled shyly as I tried to look anywhere but him. Suddenly her grabbed my arm and pulled me into him and wrapped his arm around my waist.

   "It's about time you got here. I missed you." Christoph licked his lips as he stared into my eyes. My heart raced, he was just so dreamy, so perfect. He leaned down, making my lips part and yearn for him. "Did you miss me?" I nodded, unable to do anything else. Being so close to him with his lips only mere inches apart was torturous.

   "Kiss me." I whispered huskily. I wetted my lips, completely lost and drown in bliss. He smirked as he leisurely planted his lips against mine. The sweet taste of his lips engulfed me, I could no longer control myself. He pulled me inside whilst he kept the kiss alive. I wrapped my arms around him  as I kissed him back eagerly.

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