title of your story

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Emma's POV:

It was almost 8 pm and I was just finishing getting ready for my date with BEN.

I wore a white tank top, black skinnys and a white hoody. While doing my hair I noticed that Jeff and I seem to share the same fashion sense....hm. Like brother like sister I guess.

I walked down the hall and knocked on BEN's door. Fuck, I hope I dont get raped tonight.

There was no answer so I slowly opened the door just enough to stick my head in before allowing my whole body to enter the room. The dry smell of weed hit my nose as soon as I closed the door. The room was nearly pitch black and the only light was coming from BEN's TV which had Majora's Mask playing on it.

I walked towards the TV and just as I was baout to pick up the remote, a hand covered my mouth while an arm tightly wrapped around my waist. I calmed down a little bit when I heard BEN's voice.

"Glad you came, beautiful." His breath reeked of weed and cigarettes.

Before I could reply I started seeing a bunch of swirls and different colors take over the room, I started feeling dizzy and had the urge to puke but before anything unpleasent came out I found myself In a video game. But nothing scary. I was on the beach with BEN and a cute cliche picnic blanket and woven basket.

I sat down on the blanket and watched him unpack our dinner. I had to admitt, for a criminal, he could be romantic. It had everything! The sunset, the beautiful ocean, the candles, all the sides, desserts, and fish! And of course, BEN, who couldn't seem to stop staring at me.


I Knew how to plan if I needed to. I knew what girls liked! As we ate I couldn't help but stare at her. She was so beautiful. And the sunset and ocean setting just made her even more breath takingly gorgeous. And I thought she just needed to kow that.

"You know Emma... You really take my breath away. You're just so beautiful." I didn't really know what else to say. That's all I could say. The way she looks at you makes you just want to sit there and admire her all day.

After finishing our dinner we held hands and walked up and down the shore line just telling eachother funny stories and learning more about eachother's lives. It wasn't exactly the MOST romantic thing in the world but hey, it looked like she was having a great time, and I was too.

Eyeless Jack's POV:

Ugh. I was horrible at this. Emma was great, I loved having her here! She's absolutely perfect. I wanted to get to know her better but it was kind of hard to do that when every other guy in the house is surrounding her. Why did I have to be so shy?! I'll find a way to get her to go out with me...I just have to figure out how.

Emma's POV:

After about an hour and a half of just telling stories and laughing, BEN brought me back to his room.

"BEN I had a really great time!" I stepped closer to him and gave him a hug.

"Me too, Emma! Can we do this again sometime?" He replied, hugging me back.

"Of course we can, BEN." We said goodnight to eachother and I walked back to my room.

Being here might not be so bad after all...

Smile for me (Creepypasta Romance)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ