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Emma's POV:

It started getting colder and there began to be tiny little snowfalls every now and then. The store was already selling Christmas stuff so I decided to surprise everyone by buying a ton of lights. I came home with a box and showed everyone and explained what we should do. Eyeless Jack stared at the lights for a while before grabbing the box and running up the stairs to his room.

"JACK THOSE ARE FOR THE FAMILY! I JUST BOUGHT THOSE!" I was shocked at how I used the word 'family' so casually but was snaped out of my thoughts when I heard Jack yell back. "WELL GO BUY SOME MORE I NEED THESE."

I stomped out the door and went to the store to buy even more lights.

Eyeless Jack's POV:

I finally had the idea. And it would be PERFECT. After everyone went to sleep I went out to get more lights and other supplies for my surprise to Emma. I was so excited! This was guarunteed to put her in awe and show her my real feelings!

Slenderman's POV:

Once Emma got back from the store..again, I thought it would be kind of me to help her set up. It took a lot of work since the house was so big but we both had fun and everyone, especially sally, was in awe. I was proud of our work and was about to thank Emma when I saw BEN begin to creep his arm around Emma's waist. Before his hand could even touch her, I quickly pulled him into the air with my tendril and tossed him to the other side of the yard. It was quite amusing, especially when Hoody facepalmed himself while Masky yelled to BEN "BEN stop being so clumsy!" I couldn't help but "smile"  when I heard Emma chuckle at everything.

Emma's POV:

Everything was being so hilarious! I couldn't stop myself from laughing! Especialy when Laughing Jack began laughing like a phsycotic hyena and falling backwards. I was watching everything go on until I saw movement in the corner of my eye. I looked over to see what looked like Eyeless Jack dragging lights deeper in to the woods. Hmm...Wonder what he was planning...

Smile for me (Creepypasta Romance)Where stories live. Discover now