Imma butcher this cute moment

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So, I've been described by a few ppl or some bullshit. So here we go.

pickachan / Ashley_rocks_ or whatever the fuck your wattpad is. Lol jk.
Been with me through thick and thin, never left my side. Always flirting with the cute guys, just lay off alright....their mine. Hehe jk. Anyway, love ya to death. Bye. Next

Now this one...she thinks I'm weird. Like jeez calm down. I just say a ton of sexual jokes directed towards. Lol, but anyways. We were sorta acquaintances a year or two back, but now id like to say we are pretty good friends.

Some weird chick ive known for a while. We met in 4 grade, and well, lets just say that friendship was a little rough. But now, you are legit my very best friend. See ya. Who else?

Next. Hehe

She's new this year, probably thinks im weird. Lol, im glad we're friends though.

Hi Chris

The bear gloves though. Where did they go? I want them if you dont. Oh shit, off topic. Your an awesome friend and im glad your here.

If i missed anyone im sorry, im lazy. So yeah, told ya i was gonna fuck it up. But still, id take a bullet for any of these ppl....except Michaela. Anyway, ill talk to yalls la- no im just kidding. Sorry Kayla. But yeah, i love all these ppl and they are awesome. I havent really had friends in my life so just knowing i got all these weirdos by my side makes me feel like i have a pan of fresh baked brownies everyday. Ill see yalls later. PEACE!!!

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