Chapter One- Kaiya

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Breathless, I slowed down to a light jog; sweat stuck my garments to my caramel skin as I struggled for oxygen. My morning run had taken me through the heart of the Grey Region, past the abandoned Streets of Sectors Four and Five, then back all the way to the glittering gates of Silver.

The year, 3024. The city, Averia, south of the Liserian Republic. The date, exactly a week till Sector Six’s first Progression, where I would be competing to get through those gates, out of Sector Six, and into Seven.

I was nervous. Although I had been training for the past few months, I couldn’t help but feel slightly doubtful.  They couldn’t prepare us for everything, especially since The Progression was different each time. There was no point focusing on, let’s say, one on one combat if the objective was to secure a target. No point in fighting to the death if the aim was to keep each other alive. Yes, I was nervous, and understandable too.

No one knew what the challenge would be, not even those in The Bunker where The Progression took place. No one knew until everyone was wired to their pods, fingerprints were taken and The Watcher pressed the button. Then it began. I shook my head at the thought and headed back home. 

I was greeted by the smell of freshly baked bread along with sausages sizzling on the stove as I entered the [small, grey] kitchen.

‘Ahh he’s awake’.

“Good morning Father”, I said sitting down at the table.

“Good morning Kaiya; did you sleep well?”

We both knew I hadn’t, for mother’s nightmares had kept us up all night; her screams and cries echoing through the thin walls of our tiny home.

I nodded all the same, “Yes, I did. Thanks.”

As he handed me a plate I could see his olive skin had turned pale, the bags under his eyes were heavier, and he struggled to keep his eyes open.

“You should get some rest Father”, I suggested, shoving a roll in my mouth without hesitation, “that’s what Sundays are for right?” I mumbled [through crumbs]

He grunted in response with the slightest smile forming on his lips. We sat quietly for the remainder of breakfast, both engrossed in our thoughts. I could have sworn there were tears in his eyes as he got up to go and check on mother.

‘I should go and see her’, I considered. But I couldn't bear it.  

An illness had slowly engulfed her, a mysterious disease that had plagued our region for almost a year. The lively, outgoing, strong woman who had given me life was all but a shadow of the past -a distant memory, replaced by a fragile little thing. No one knew what the disease was and how it had come about, and we were getting no answers. Doctors couldn't help and all those who fell ill eventually died. The Grey Region had no cure. But I was sure that those in Silver would.

This was the only reason I cared for The Progression; I didn't want to "strive for greatness". I didn’t want to "do better and be better”. I was quite content living in Sector Six, and although it was an average lifestyle, I didn’t see the appeal in aiming to live in Sector Ten.

Being a soldier would be hard work- always following orders, always on duty, always at the beck and call of the General. No, I didn’t see the appeal at all. However, this year’s Progression was important. It was important to all those in Sector Six who were eligible to take part. Tears welled up in my eyes as I washed the dishes.

'I can save you mother. I’m sure I can.' 

The July sun was beating heavily as I lay by Lake Aurora, just north of the Black Region. It was magnificent. Situated deep within the Aurora Forest, its surface shimmered like diamonds in the sunlight. Trees rustled in the light breeze and leaves whispered in the wind. Birds flew above, their silhouettes painting pictures in the light blue sky. It would have been peaceful if not for Paige and Brett's nattering. 

"All I'm saying is that I feel sorry for them. We can all come down here to Black but they can't even come up to us in Grey. They're stuck here, they’ve seen nothing else!" the red headed boy exclaimed. 

"Well yeah, life's unfair. But we can't go up to Silver or White so what's the big deal?" Paige argued. “Besides, why would anyone want to come to Grey when's there's the disease?"

Brett was quiet. 

"I just want to get a cure for Mother" I whispered.

So absorbed in their conversation, they had forgotten that I was there. They looked at me sympathetically; both understanding how important this was for me, especially Paige whose father had succumbed to the disease at the start of its reign.

 We pondered what life in the Silver Region would be like; more money, better food, a better standard of living. It was rumoured that it was twice the size of the Grey Region with every cobble and every wall glistening with specks of silver. All we had to do to get there was make it through The Progression.

“Are you guys excited?" Brett asked, breaking the silence. "I can't wait for mine! You'll have to come back here and visit. Okay? Until it's my turn?"

Unlike Paige and me, Brett would have to wait till winter to take part in the second Progression when he would finally be eighteen.

"Of course we will" I responded, managing a smile.

“Yeah and we'll bring back lots of stories for you and—wait, guys, did you hear that?”

Paige swore she had heard a voice in the distance.

"Breeetttt. Paige! KAIYA!" the voice called, louder this time.

Peter Abrams emerged from the bushes looking flustered.

"Brett!' He panted. "It's your mother! She's in the hospital. She's just found out she's pregnant!"

We gasped. This was bad news. It would have to be eradicated; for everyone knew that in the Liserian Republic, all families, except for leaders of the cities, were only permitted to have one child. 

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