Chapter 09

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Draco maintained a stoic expression as his father, the Commodore, and some other official-looking men argued. He was merely there due to his father anxiously trying to train him, as it was obvious that Draco would be next in line for the position of Port Royal's governor. Whereas this had made him feel quite proud and important previously, it now caused a sickening feeling to churn in his stomach. The mere notice of that feeling caused Draco to fret over his psychological welfare. He knew it had something to do with Harry and The Siren.

"-obviously wanted him for a reason! Lure him back and we'll hang him on the spot!"

"Do you honestly think Potter will come back just for Draco? The abduction was of convenience! Draco is nothing more than the son of a man of power to the scoundrel-" Severus was interrupted.

"You intend to use my son as bait?" Lucius snarled at the man who had introduced himself as Cornelius.

"This is Harry James Potter. We've been after him for years-"

"It wouldn't work anyway!" The Commodore argued.

Chewing the inside of his cheek, Draco reveled in the knowledge that Harry would return whether the Commodore and his men did anything or not. He had to. Obviously it would be for the vial, but Draco was confident that he would find his way back on board the Siren. He needed to—to prevent Captain Voldemort from becoming the Lord of the Lamented and for no reason other than that.

"He must know something of value! He was on board for what? Two? Three fortnights?" Cornelius turned to Draco, his face resembling a tomato due to his argument with Severus. "Is there nothing you can tell us of Harry Potter?"

"His whereabouts? His frequents?" The Commodore added.

Now that all attention was turned toward him, Draco cleared his throat slightly and shifted in his seat. "The one port we made was in Tortuga," he lied slightly. Draco knew that this information, while true, wouldn't betray Harry, nor would it aid much in the Crown's search for him: Severus and his men steered clear of the barbaric island. "I was kept beneath deck otherwise."

His father would faint if he found out that Draco had gotten inebriated whilst in Tortuga. His father would faint if he found out about most occurences Draco had experienced aboard The Siren. Draco mulled this over, beginning to feel quite lightheaded himself. It was as if he became an entirely different person when permitted, when out at sea, immersed in the wildest environment in existence. If Harry had been raised at sea, Draco could comprehend the other man's untamed habits.

"Of course Potter would make port in Tortuga," the Commodore sneered.

"Can we not send a fleet of men to ambush his crew upon their next port?" Cornelius turned to Severus.

"I'm not risking sending my men to such a barbaric and uncivilized island—it would be like forcing them to live with animals until Potter decided to make his presence."

"No matter how it occurs, Captain Potter must be punished for his sins," Lucius announced. "I'll not have the miscreant who kidnapped my son and terrorized my people sail free on these waters."

Draco glanced down at the table and slipped his hand into his pocket, absentmindedly fingering a small vial.

"You've no idea how relieved your father and I are to have you back." Narcissa took a sip of her tea. "As soon as he realized you were missing, he ordered the Commodore to prepare a ship and a crew to set after you."

"I'm glad to be home," Draco said smoothly, attempting to ignore the guilt seeping into his conscience.

"Men like Harry Potter—well, not men, heathens—truly make a mother wonder whether a god truly does exist. And if so, why he allows such beasts to live despite their sins."


"It's true. I'll not use the Lord's name in vain, but it makes me wonder."

Draco placed his cup down and took his mother's soft hand into his. "Everything happens for a reason." Shooting her a reassuring smile, he leaned back in his armchair and released her hand. "And I'm home now—that's what counts."

Narcissa smiled, but it quickly faltered. "I can't imagine what you've gone through, what you've seen on that awful ship."

"It wasn't all bad," he mused. Draco didn't bother telling her that he often found himself missing the Siren, missing the structure and the crew. The captain especially.

"You're changed," she said sadly. "I can see it in your eyes. You're not the same as before."

Draco took a sip of his tea. "I'm wiser now. More experienced."

"It worries me, Draco."


"I know there are things you aren't telling me. Things you're keeping from the Commodore and your father." Narcissa had a sad look in her eyes. "I don't know why."

"You've never been out at sea, mother. You wouldn't understand." Draco averted his gaze to the window, to watch the same horizon he'd been studying since he returned home.

"I'll try to understand."

Draco imagined telling her about the Siren. Explaining, in detail, how he had attempted to escape only to realize he'd never learned to swim. Telling her about how he'd scrub the deck with Creevey and hoist the sails with Bottom. How he'd compare his callouses with Zabini and listen to the other man's stories. How he'd feign irritation at Timber Toe and Tommo's teasing, but would secretly amused. He imagined telling her of his affair with Harry, with a man. The same man his father and the Commodore were hunting down. He couldn't fathom her reaction.

"I can't say, mother. It's best for you not to know."

Narcissa sighed. "Very well, then." She smiled tightly. "Now, let's discuss a more pleasant topic. I'm planning a gala celebrating your return."

"Mother, that's not necessary, really."

"Nonsense." Narcissa waved him off. "All the noblemen and their families will receive invitations. Every girl will want a dance with you."

Draco was surprised at the instant disgust that reared upon the mere thought of romancing a woman. He knew it was Harry's doing—that the other man had... had ruined him somehow. Nonetheless, he smiled as if he were pleased with his mother's news.

"When will it be held?"

"In a fortnight." 

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