part one // strangers

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marc- hello bella.

bella- umm, hello? who are u?

marc- my name is marc

bella- i'm sorry, i don't know a marc

marc- i know you don't, i'm introducing myself.

marc- nice to meet you ;)

bella- excuse me, who the hell are u and how did u get my number?

marc- ok don't freak out

bella- um i have all right to freak the fuck out, who are u?????

marc- my name is marc bartra, i'm 19 and currently working with my father at his luxury hotel here in barcelona

marc- note the sarcasm*

bella- ok and how do u have my number?

marc- well today i went to lunch with my friends and i found a little paper with your number and your name. my friend geri dared me to text you.

bella- so u decided to txt a random stranger who could be killer or criminal and risk ur life. how smart of u

bella- i swear guys are idiots

marc- well when you put it like that it sounds pretty bad

bella- no it's a horrible idea anyway

marc- look i'm really sorry bella. that's your name right?

bella- can't say, ur a stranger dude

marc- oh come on, pls

marc- pretty pls

marc- with lots of sugar on top!!!!

bella- ur going to have to earn my trust then ill tell u

marc- oh come on, we're friends

bella- u don't even know me

marc- well i know ur number, i'm assuming ur name is bella and i can tell ur a nice girl

bella- how do u even know i'm a girl

marc- i'm hoping you are. if not this would be a very awkward.

bella- well stranger i have to go, have a nice life (((:

marc- *nice day, you mean ;)

marc- i'll tty tomorrow mi bella

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