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Part 3 of first love

"Narrator:India really didn't have to go to the office she just wanted to get away from Reginae cause she lied to her bestfriend, India is really falling for roc"

-Bell rings for last per of day-

Zendaya:-singing quietly-

*Roc walks by*

Roc:Zendaya can't sing -laugh-

-zendaya keeps walking-

Roc : i know you hear me zendaya-walks up to-

Zendaya :-pulls out ear plugs-WHAT ,WHAT do you want ,roc ...-turns around and cry-

Roc:-looks at ,walks behind and hold her from behind and whisper in ear-zendaya I'm sorry for everything I did ,never ment to hurt you

Zendaya:sniffles-well you did!!!!!!!! -talks louder-you were my first everything and for you just to leave me like that hurts to the core roc -turns around -

-India walks by and looks and stops but he don't notice her-

Roc:zendaya I still love you -starts kissing -

-pushes in to lockers and picks up -still kissing-

-India breaths hard and walk away-zendaya see her-

Zendaya:-moaning - stop ,stop I seen you ..I seen you with India ...buying her lunch all on her

Roc:-backs up, whipes lips-so you spying on me ,.....-waits to answer - *gets louder*-zendaya jumps-so you spying on me now?

Zendaya : roc , i mean its all in the opening everybody seen it !

Roc:look what I got going on is my business ,okay !

Zendaya :well your my boyfriend -roc eyes get big-

Roc:zendaya we been broke up months ago

Zendaya :so what was that ,

Roc :what was what ?

Zendaya:you know us kissing and you holding me telling me that you still love me !

Roc:that was nothing zen.

*she thinks of ray*

Zendaya: -gets loud- if ...if your just using me , playing with my feelings using me as a decoy just stop-sniffles- just...just...just already did enough damage to my heart roc ..see I loved you so much roc and you just left me like a peice of shit ...roc ... I was hurt for months and I refuse I refuse!! for you to come back and do the same thing again

Roc: but..-zendaya cuts of-

Zendaya :-backs up - just just leave me alone I don't wanna have anything to do with you anymore ...bye roc

*walks away*

Roc: ZENDAYA!!? .....ZENDAYA!!...please!!

-zendaya keeps waking -

*1hr later,bell ring to go home*

-India notices roc but keeps walking-

Roc:India ??, -runs too-India i know

You herd my big ass mouth calling you...what's the matter?


Roc:indiaaaa-drags name-

India :-stops walking-what ,what do you want !

Roc:-smiling - you still gonna text me

India:-plays hard to get-maybe why?

Roc:maybe-pulls her closer-you calling me know what ...give me your number I'm calling you

India:whatever idk how you gonna get it

Roc:oh that's easy ...that's easy -looks down smiling -

India:whatever :-breathes hard walking away fastly -


End of chaper 3

Mindless Behavior:Love Hate RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now