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"After Everybody ate it was time to burry Lauren "Kia"London.Everybody loaded into there cars and followed the Limo as the limo followed the vehicle Kia's body was in,to the gravesite near there neighborhood .Ray stared at the Hot pink casket as they carried it out,it stood out like Kia's personally ,Loud and bright.But as they where there Ray seen Zendaya parents and Prod .They were designing her Tombstone Ray decided to show his condolences and speak to the Family."

Ray:-walks in office-Uhh...hey Ms.Carey and Jay-z.

Mariah:hello-whipes eyes- who are you.

Prod:-whispers in her ear-That's the guy that broke her heart.

Mariah:ohhh yooou-walks up to holding belly-How dare you show up here.

Ray:MA'AM the reason why zendaya died wasn't my fault *thinks about what Jaylen said* I didn't put the fucking pills up to her got damn mouth.

Jay-z:-gets all in face-you don't to my wife like that.

Ray:-breathes hard-

Mariah:your going to her funeral

Ray:yes I will try to show up

Mariah:well don't...your the last person I want to see.-walks out office-

Ray:-follows-The reason why your daughter decided to die was because your fucking step son decided to cause a scence and a fucking fight....and if you fucking know your got damn daughter -walks up to- you would know that she hated drama...

Mariah:Go to hell I know my daughter ,you ass...I don't need no rachet ass bay bay kid telling me what the hell I was missing a out about her-gets in car-

Ray:-breathes hard and goes join the rest of Kia's funeral-

"On rays way back to the Burying service he seen them digging a new section...he knew it was zendaya's he just stood there are cries as it all came so real to him that his "FirstLove" had died...and even worser that he's getting the blame for it,Ray decided he didn't wanna stay for the rest of the service he just walked home."

"Meanwhile with LoLo and Diggy"

LoLo:I'm just nervous about what she will say...

Diggy:all you have to do-rubs on legs- is to go up to the house..and say hay bitch I'm your long lost daughter-laughs-

LoLo:-laughs-Noo this is serious to me I'm meeting my Big sister Zendaya Today and I want the moment to be perfect...

Diggy:baby It will... i promise it will

LoLo:okay let me go get dressed stay in here because I don't know when my dad will get home.

Diggy:-shrugs-alright I guess

"LoLo goes get dress she wear some blue jeans with a peach v-neck shirt and some brown UGGS she flat irons her long red hair and applies her makeup but not to much she wants to look natural when she meets her mom and sister for the first time.2hours later she got in Diggys car and headed out to the house her mom and sister stayed in."

Diggy:-breathes hard-Okay...this is the house sweetheart.

LoLo:-breathes hard -'s either do or die .-steps out car-

Diggy:call me when your done

LoLo:-smiles-okay thanks for being here for me .

Diggy:yeah yeah yeah...Bout to go get me some pussy..cuhs

LoLo:-knocks on door-

Mariah:who is it

LoLo:Your daughter

Mariah:whoever you are that's not funny

LoLo:-coughs-No ...Mom I'm foreal this is your long lost daughter Lourdes.

Mariah:-opens door-I thought you died .

LoLo:No I'm still alive after 15years

Mariah:come on in-smiles-

LoLo:okay...where is Zendaya?

Mariah:-looks at floor- sweetie your big sister died a couple of days ago...

LoLo:Noo how

Mariah:-walks to get a picture- Sucidal.

LoLo:I was really looking forward to meeting my big sister.

Mariah:yes...-shows pic- she was a good kid...but boys kept breaking my daughters heart.

LoLo:she was gorg. We look kinda identical.

Mariah:-stares at LoLo - yes by the looks of it your dad must've gotten Rich?

LoLo:Yes he owns a couple of stores

Mariah:hmmm when I was with him he....was broke as ever-laughs-

LoLo:-laughs- maybe we can have a family dinner my family and yours.

Mariah:How about Tomorrow after Zendaya's funeral . tell me more about my sister...


"They stayed and talked about zendaya all day long about the good times and bad times but while LoLo was with her Mom...Diggy was Gaining diseases from random chicks."

Jaylen:My...pussy is sore you know how many dicks..been in here lately....

Diggy:how many

Jaylen:this week -counts in fingers-more the 20...with no condoms besides one nigga...Ray.

Diggy:I'm surprised you don't have a disease .


Diggy:-looks at-Whats funny

Jaylen: dude did you just fucking hear me over 20 dicks in this past year Been in this tight ass pussy.

Diggy:what are you saying.

Jaylen:I wouldn't be surprised if...I have something but i don't give a fuck ...if i do

Diggy:-looks at dick- bitch prob. Gave my ass fucking HIV....that sore shit...and that shit that make me sting when i pee.

Jaylen:-hops back on dick-Boo hoo, you already have why not just have fun with it.

Diggy:-laughs-okay ride this dick good tho.

Jaylen:-smiles- okay.

"Jaylen and Diggy goes at it for another 30 minutes until LoLo calls that's she's ready he goes pick her up and drop her to his house ."

LoLo:I wanna go home Diggy I needa get my outfit ready for tomorrow

Diggy:okay just come in with me to talk.

LoLo:Okay no moves tho I'm not up for that.

Diggy-mumbles- yeah yeah yeah

"They get in the house and sit on the couch."

Diggy:LoLo I been waiting to get playing games baby...


Diggy:-moves closer-*starts kissing*

LoLo:-kisses back-

Diggy-unbuckles her pants and fingers-

LoLo:-pushes off and walk out house-*yells*Im not ready Diggy.


Mindless Behavior:Love Hate RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now