Chapter 13

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Casey's pov

I was very confused on how I felt about Mr. Turd. Honestly, I wouldn't have had any of these feelings if he would have just turned me in. I wouldn't wonder why he hasn't sent me to jail or even put the effort to have saved him from those dumb Indians. I wouldn't be in this exact situation if he would have just turned me in. But maybe this happened for a reason. I mean, everyone is either married or dead. Even though I don't necessarily need a man to rely on, I guess I could use some attention. But he also lied to me. I know he is married because that photo is clearly a younger Mr. Turd. They look identical. And what's making it worst is that he isn't telling me how he feels about me, again, not that I necessarily need it.
I had began walking off on my horse and surprisingly he didn't follow. Once out of the little town, my horse and I galloped to my former hideout and I got ready. Taking a quick rinse in the lake and finding some fresh clothes that weren't as dirty as my usual ones. I let my hair fall in its natural cursed curls and talked amongst my horse.
"I just don't understand men." I told Acateco even though he just neighed me off. "Don't you think he should say how he feels? But I'm an outlaw, an outlaw can't love a bounty hunter. Look at me. I'm using the word love. But he didn't turn me in, if he didn't have some sort of feelings for me he would have right? The whole thing is just complicated." I shook my head. I was going to go on this date to get my mind off of all the bullshit, whether Mr. Turd liked it or not.
I had came upon the town 30 mins earlier, so since I was here I took Acateco to the nearest stable and found a young stable boy there attending to one of the horses.
"Good evening ma'am." He greeted me.
"Good evening." I replied. "This is my horse." I said dismounting from Acateco and handing the little boy the reins.
"Here is for my horse, this is for you, and this is for keeping an extra eye on him." I said handing the boy the change for taking care of Acateco and a few 10's so that he knew that my horse was his top priority, and well because I felt sorry for the young lad.
"Wow missy! Those are 10's!" The boy screamed.
"I know that, and I want you to have them. Now I will be back some time tonight and if Acateco here is the way I left him, there will defiantly be more where that came from." I smiled and left walking onto the dusty road. I noticed a hotel near by so that's where I went; renting a room for a week, just because I was bored and wanted to have something to do while I waited. It was almost 7 so I decided to go ahead and head to where I would be meeting with John.
"Hey!" He said. "I showed up a little early." He laughed.
"Oh that's fine". I said.
"This is for you." He said handing me another rose. "I know I got you one before but I wanted to do it again."
"Thank you." I said grabbing it.
"Okay, um, do you want dinner? A drink at the bar?" He asked.
"Um, how about a drink first and then dinner?"
"Sounds nice to me." He said. We walked to the nearest bar and it wasn't as packed as it usually is with a bunch of dirty men, there were a few guys having a drink at the bar and some other people at the poker table with a game going. Of course there were those dirty noises coming from upstairs, of course I was uncomfortable but I wasn't going to let that stop me from getting a drink.

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