chapter 3

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The song then kept getting louder and louder, and the thumps thumped louder louder louder till they slowly fainted away when Rose came up to the tree.
Rose found a shovel nearby and dug up the mask and looked at it suspiciously and then she saw the mask and jokingly holding it in her right hand and said "I bet this mask doesn't do anything!" and "the story about this stupid plastic mask is just a horror story to tell five year olds!" Then her friends told her to stop! But Rose then said "Fine if you two are too scared of this  damn mask then why dont I just show you to prove once and for all this mask does not do any sort of voodoo and such!" Then as her friends tried to stop her, it was too late she had put on the demon mask. Then the mask put a spell on her a spell that could never be broken she was now under the demons curse. There was then a moment of sheer quietness. 

Then after a while her friend tapped Rose on her shoulder and asked "Are you okay Rose?!".            After the question was asked, the Girl not being Rose anymore but a demons spirit and body, turned their head all the way around and maniacally laughed and spoked in a gentel voice saying "Yes "friends" I'm better than ever!" At the moment the friends of the now "non existing" Rose, knew that was not Rose so they ran out of the forest never to return again.

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