Its In The Past

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Joey had arrived at Marik's house...he had to sneak in through a board walk...a 30 ft board walk

'E-Easy's for Yuugi, its for Yuugi!'

Joey repeated, as he crawled over the bridge with his eyes closed

"You wimp! Just get over before Marik gets in from the pub!"

Taya yelled

"E-Easy for you! You are on the floor!"

Joey stuttered as he managed to get over

"Now what's that you said about knowing where Yuugi is?"

Joey asked and Taya nodded

"Yes...I discovered Marik's secret scrolls...he was drunk and left them I looked and it said about going to the past through a certain object....remember Yuugi's puzzle? I think by somehow having it, the kidnapper knew how to open a portal to the past!"

Taya said

" order to get Yuugi back...."

Taya nodded

"We need to get to the past!"

Joey's head was spinning, time travelling seemed crazy to him!

"Do you know how to do that?"

He mused

"If I didn't would I get you here!?"

She said in frustration

"Good what do we do?"

Joey asked

"Well we need two people, a circle and a millennium item..."

She explained

"Millennium item? What's that?"

Joey said clueless

"This is one and so is Yuugi's puzzle"

She said holding a big ring-like object, with a chain on it

"So what else did it say?"

Joey asked

"The rest was in hieroglyphics...all I know it's a lead to Yuugi! And we can't let it go by!"

Taya yelled

"Ok...where can we go to do this?"

Joey asked

"I know just the place!"

She smiled and they headed off...unaware of the red eyes watching them....

In o forest not too far....

A blond headed man takes out a staff and chants ancient words.....the floor opens up and he passes through a blue portal....

"Master Yami?...yes....uh huh....hmmm"

He listened

"Make sure that those meddlers don't get here! I just claimed him as my own! And I don't want him finding out about the time portals! You get that....Hassan?"

Yami ordered him

" sire"

Hassan said...but did not notice the shadow behind him

"Who is-"


Hassan felt to the ground with a sickening crack, blood surrounded him, the figure just gave an evil smirk and walked into the light

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