Chapter 1

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Just Imagine that your in an all out war, not with people, but with yourself. Teying to figure out whether your still a good person, or someone who has turned evil on the inside. Its seems that Natsu is going through something like this.
The guild is fighting for there lives as Natsu trys to keep his powers at a minimum. Since the whole Zeref thing, Natsu has mixed feelings. He is slowly turning into a demon. He has horns and scales along his body, and his right eye has turned red.
Natsu sits at the back of the guild as he listens to the screams and crashing of his guild mates fighting. Lucy had ran through the guild doors getting some bandages, she notices Natsu sitting alone. She went outside and came back inside and walked toward Natsu. "Hey Natsu, you doin all ri-" Lucy stopped speaking as Natsu turned his head slightly, now Lucy has a clear view on Natsus face, she looked horrified, Natsu turned away. "Don't look at me." Natsu said in a firm voice, but it sounded as Natsu was trying to choke back tears. "Natsu please, look at me." Lucy tried to speak. Natsu looked at her, even thought he was afraid of scaring Lucy. "I'm not scared, I'm shocked that you think I'm scared of you." Lucy spole as she hugged Natsu, he hugged back. "Thank you Lucy." Natsu said. Lucy got back up and went back outside to the war zone, all her friends were still fighting, trying to keep people from killing Natsu because of what he's become. Lucy called one of her spirits. "Taurus! Take them out!" She gave her command. "Yes miss Lucy!" Taurus attack with his axed and a group of men went flying. Lucy closed Taurus's gate. But she still thought about Natsu.

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