1.laying low

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Chapter 1

I looked down and walked down the school hall. Everybody was into their own conversations. Everyone was in groups and circles. Yes it's been four months since that day and i have a living thing inside my womb. I never found the guy i met at the club but i knew i had to keep the baby , yes i am sixteen and pregnant. I lived in a small town with a tiny population where everybody knows everybody. I'm technically the town's slut.. My parents can't even look me in the eye anymore. All my friends left me and the only person who accepted me, yes my amazing friend Hanna, is now in London.

I let out a deep sigh and took my books out of my locker and walked to biology class. With a big belly, walking to class was harder than it seems. I honestly don't know what is with people and pushing. I held my heavy books tight and used my other hand to hold my tummy. Why do these books have to be so damn heavy. When i finally reached my first class, I sat at the far corner of the class and flip the pages of my book. "Alright class first thing first let me introduce our new student , Justin Brook! Justin take a seat there." My teacher, Mr Bross said pointing to the seat next to me. Oh great. Justin walked towards me and sat next to me. He looked at my baby and opened his mouth but no words came out. When the bell rang, i quickly got out of class and went to my next class and so on. Half of my class was the same as Justin's.The rest of the day was just like any other.  I got to admit he is pretty hot but he wouldn't like me, nobody does i mean look at me i'm pregnant. After packing my things and putting back my books, I walked to my car and started the engine then drove to the diner nearby. I sat down at a corner where nobody can notice me and looked at the menu, i knew what i wanted..... my usual, pancakes. When the waitress came to take my order, she gave me a disgusted look , normally i would be so upset but this was a normal thing now. After ordering my pancakes, i took my phone and played around. For the last four months , Every single person i saw looked at me that way. 


"ARIANA ABORT THE BABY ! YOU ARE SIXTEEN FOR GOD SAKES YOU CANNOT RAISE THIS CHILD!" My dad shouted. "DAD THIS BABY IS MY RESPONSIBILITY I'M NOT PROUD OF THIS BUT I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO LIVE WITH MYSELF IF I DID" I screamed back in the verge of tears. My father gave me that  look. The look that told me he was disgusted with me. I knew he hated me, I was their only child yet i got knocked up. "i never thought you would be such a slut" my father blurted. Those nine words rang in my ears and tore me apart. My own father, the man who raised me and promised he would protect me is calling me a slut, that hurt more than anything it was like getting run over by a train. I ran to my room and broke down. I am such a disappointment.


The pancakes came and i ate them with tears. I still remember those nine words. Until now i couldn't forget that day,The day i lost every single person i love 

Authors Note

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