Faith Is Near

200 17 7

//Picture is Lyric//

We got away , fortunately , but this could be the last time . As I walk through the tunnels , I contemplate scenarios of bad guys trying to kill all of us - oh wait .

The hallway was ending and so was Rick's patience . The dude usually doesn't lose his cool like this but after we hit the rooftop , he was shutting down completely .

The end of the tunnel came faster than we thought , only because the other half of it had been blown up - debris still falling slowly .

'Well , this is bad news' Haley sighs 'Can it get worse ?'

'Yes it can' Carl coughs

'Yeah' KC sneers 'I almost got killed because of Rick's bright idea to come here'

'You didn't need to come' Lance cuts his eyes towards the annoying man 'He basically already gave you the boot'

'I worked hard to get here' He sits down in a corner 'You guys need to figure out what the hell youre doing'

I was tired of his complaining , that's all he ever did and it was old

'Dude' I scoff 'Really ?'

'What ?'

'Stop sitting in your pathetic self pity and fucking do something about it if you're so worried about not making'

'Layne , you don't need to yell'

'Yes I do ! He's so full of himself and concerned about only his well-being that you have to treat him like a damn child !'

'I know you're frustrated and really pissed off but you're just making it more miserable'

'I'm making it miserable ? I'm not the one sitting on my ass while everyone around me does shit that actually helps !'

'I know , but you're yelling' He sighs 'It's not making anything better'

'Nice' I sneer , sarcasm dripping from my speech like venom 'Fuck you , Carl'

I could've said more , but I simply stomped away instead . I found a door , shoved it open , and slammed it shut behind me . I didn't need to be lectured by him . At all . I was handling it and he fucked that up .

- - -
[Carl's point of view]

I only have him a few minutes to cool off . I usually let him go be by himself for at least 20 minutes before stating my opinion on the matter or simply just listening to what he has to say without yelling being involved .

I didn't do that this time , there were things I needed to get off my chest and I was determined to let them slide off smoothly .

I walk into the office room and shut the door behind me 'Hi'

He looks over at me , eyes bloodshot and glossy

'Have you been crying ?'

He shakes his head 'Absolutely not'

I nod 'What was that about ?'

'Um , I dunno - how about you tell me ?' He scoffs 'Kinda got fucked over in here'

'No one fucked you over'

'You did' He grits his teeth

I inhale a sharp breath , trying not to blow up on him for everything '...Okay ... okay'

There was a questionable silence as he raised his eyebrows

'You know what ? Okay , how come you can walk everywhere you want and just speak your mind - being a dick in the process most of the time - but when someone tells you how it is , you turn into a monster and stomp away ?!'

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