The Masked Horse Rider

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Air slammed it's way into my lungs in split seconds as I collided bottom first with hard ground. I groaned as I got up and leaned my hand against the rough bark of a tree. Tree? Where am I? I whipped my head around and quickly brushed my hair out of my eyes as they adjusted to weak moonlight. I was in the middle of a forest, why am I in the middle of a forest? Where did he go? I'm not in my bed anymore. Gaint trees of all kinds towered over me, seeming to brach their way into heaven, as mist played around my legs and nipped at the fabric inside of my skirt. The air was awfully chilled, I caressed my bumped skin as I walked across pine needles on shaky legs.  Tears started to form and rim themselves around my eyes as I thought, I don't want to be stuck here, please please someone come save me! I just want to go home! I was afraid I would be lost here forever, never able to find my way home, I could picture horrible images of my grandmother wasting away in her rocking chair, dying while never knowing where I went to. No, no it's okay. You'll find your way home, you always do. Remember that one time you got lost in the forest beyond your house, it took a few hours but you got back, didn't...

My thoughts were interupted by water leaking itself into my flats and my white socks. I gasped as I shook the water from my shoe. Gosh darn puddles. They seem to be... everywhere. I looked up past my misted bangs to see a series of puddles all blotted around on the forest floor. My eyes glided upwards to see the water leading to a small pond a little further ahead. I could just barely see it, little hints of moon light glinted off the surface of the murky water like the blade of a knife and the mist danced around it like a sad and peaceful ballet. The mist rose off the water and reached up toward the moon, only to slowly drift back down to the murky ground at the foot of the trees. I clasped both hands together, they started to feel slimy from the heavy mist gathering around me, and slowly approached the pond. There seemed to be something else there though, which made sense because I didn't feel like I was alone among the gloomy giant trees. That fact also scared me, it made my heart feel like an overworked machine, pumping too much blood at one time, I felt the need to lie down and sleep, but how would that be possible? It seemed to be in the middle of the murky water, looming there like a statue. It stood still as I slowly approached it, 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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