Chapter Three

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The truck finally lurched to a stop, tripping the wolf up so she smacked into the side of the cage. A deep voice shouted some words to another Human before a face appeared in her line of sight.

It was an interesting face, one full of youth and something she didn't recognize. Not anger, not disgust nor pity. Brown hair rested lightly on his head, fluttering slightly in the breeze and brushing the tops of the Human's eyes. A small scar cut through his left eyebrow and another on his chin, the lighter shade stood out against his tan skin. Hazel eyes met hers and she looked away in fright. It seems that this new Human was a Member in their Human pack... or whatever groups of Humans were called.

The young male reached a hand to undo the latch to her cage as the Omega cowered to the back, his sleeve lifted up to reveal slowly healing cuts on his wrist. They looked self inflicted, Kaitlyn wondered why. It shouldn't concern her, she decided, the ways of Humans were foreign and didn't effect her. Until now, that is.

Once the door was open the boy held out a hand, opening it and slowly reaching it into the cage. The Omega sniffed it, the Human didn't seem to want to harm her at this moment. While she was sniffing it he connected a leash to her collar and started to lead her out into the yard.

The grass was sparse here, mostly dust and dead weeds that clutched onto what was considered the "lawn" of this "humble abode" in a pathetic attempt to survive. The Omega sniffed the ground for any signs of food and got a nose full of dry dirt instead, forcing her to sneeze multiple times in succession. The Human holding onto her leash chuckled at her small sneezes, his eyes closing and his mouth forming into a bright smile down at her.

She growled. Smiling was just a reminder that teeth are still there to rip you apart if you make that smile go away.

This Human seems weak. Her ears flicked and she shuffled her paws on the hot dirt as she looked at at him to examine what could possibly be her escape route. He wasn't considered small for a Human. Quite tall with muscles created from hard work on what this place resembled a farm. His facial features were handsome, his smile making the air around him almost brighter as he crouched down to examine the Omega's appearance.

She turned, snorting again when more dust flew up. She didn't like him.

The boy reached a hand out to her and she instantly snapped at it, too slow to grab the soft flesh sadly. Quite a shame, she was started to wonder what Human tasted like.

Go away.

The boy rolled his eyes and stood up, dragging his feet as he brought Kaitlyn to a tie out and connected her to it securely. He walked away and entered a broken down farmhouse not too far off.

The Omega glanced around to try and find an escape route. Hmm, the tie out was secure, she tried that a few times to make sure. She had a few weeds hanging out around her, those didn't taste good and couldn't be used to get away. She chewed on one again... yeah she was right the first time, didn't taste good. There was a wooden farm multiple yards away, the wood was slowly rotting and it smelled like cow shit.

Ew, that's nasty.

She twisted her head, too lazy to turn around. Oh look, the cow. She barked at it, it turned and made a "moo" sound before turning and eating more hay. Darn, it wouldn't come closer for her to eat it. Shame.

The Omega laid down to try to get comfortable although it wasn't necessarily hot. Actually it was to opposite of hot, un-hot. Wait, that wasn't the word was it? She lashed her tail and tilted her head in thought. Non-hot? Anti-hot? Did it even have the word hot in it?

A chuckle brought her out of her thoughts.

Damn you Human boy! I almost had it!

She quickly sat up, lips curling up into a snarl at the sound of his voice. The boy just shook his head and set down a bowl of water and food. She instantly went up to it, wolfing (hehe) it down and practically inhaling the old bread and meat.

"Hello there wolf," the Human boy said to her while she totally ignored him for the food, "my name is Jack, my dad is the guy named Harley." Still not listening, food is more important than anything, "My father said I could name you but it had to be something vicious, he's gonna put you in dog fights you know," going in one ear and out the other. Oooh, a bug, tasty. Wrong, wrong, not tasty, not tasty, "I was thinking something simple... like Omen?" Kaitlyn looked up at him, she'd never heard that word in her life, "Seems like you like it! That's what I'll call you then!" What was he talking about? Crazy Humans and their thoughts.

Wait! It was cold. That's the word she was thinking of! Cold!

She took a few more laps of water, tuning out the boy's voice and turning around. Once she found a semi comfortable spot she laid down to sleep, curling up into a ball and stuffing her tail into her face for warmth. She dreamt of food and freedom, two things she would never take for granted.

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