New Country

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Kathys' P.O.V.

"Miss Galvan your parents would like to speak with you." Steven my butler that has been with me since I was born says. When he started working here he was in his early 20's and since the day I was born and he came to see me I got attached to him and since then his only job it to tend to me. He doesn't seem to mind it one bit either.

"Thank you so much Steven. You may go rest now." I said giving him a nice big smile. His smiled went from ear to ear and a little sparkle shined in his eye.

"Thank you ma'am." He said and walked out heading for his room. Why would my parents want to talk to me at this hour. It's time for bed. 

I walked out of my room and down the long hallway, I made a few turns till I was outside my parents door. I knocked till I heard a come in.

"You wanted to speak with me?" I asked walking in and closing the door behind me.

"Yes sweetie. I just want you to know that you're the only heir to the throne and our only child. The crowed princess. We want you to know we love you so much. But we've been hearing chatter that someone plans on trying to take over the throne and your part of his plan." My dad says. I look at him shocked and confused. 

"No matter how much it pains us. We are sending you to New York. You have to stay in hiding till we find this man. So I had Mary go out shopping for new clothes and everything else you will need. Also your middle name will be your first name from now on." My mom said tears coming to her eyes as she tries desperately not to cry.

"Steven and Mary will be with you. I have also asked Landyn to go with you as a protector at school." My dad said looking at me with sad eyes who also held unshead tears.

"Oh my sweet little baby we're gonna miss you so much!" My mom added on with tears going down her beautiful evenly tanned face

"Mom as long as I have people I trust I'll be fine and I get to skype and talk to you everyday right?" I said/asked crying and walking over to them.

"You leave in 4 hours. There's a cheer team there so you can tryout there too and Landyn can join the football team." My dad said.

Ever since I was able to walk I would always cheer. My parents signed me up for it when I was 5 and I just fell in love with it ever since. I was the captain but I would have to step down now and give it to Lisa.

"We have to dye your hair to make it look a natural black and you have to wear your green contacts." My dad said.

"My only baby has to leave. I wish this didn't  happen but we don't  always get our ways. Promise me you'll take care of yourself." My mom said.

"I promise." I said crying. My dad pulled us into a family hug.

"Kathy we need to go and get your hair done now. We don't  have much time." My mom said after a few minutes. Wiping her face of the tears that went down she got out of bed and I followed behind her. We make our way to Misty's room. We knock and wait till she opens the door.

"I have everything ready. I was waiting for princess Kathy to arrive." She said bowing.

"Lets hurry up. We don't have long." My mom said. We rush over to her bathroom and sit down on a stool she had and she started working.

After about an hour I got in the shower and did all the things I need to do. I get out and see a outfit set on the counter. I put it on and look at my self in the mirror. I had a baggy blue shirt and baggy black sweats with my black converse.

My hair looks a whole lot different then what I'm used to. But the black hair does compliment my evenly tanned skin, almost like it's natural. My thoughts were interrupted when I hear a knock on the door and I open it.

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