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Kathys' P.O.V

3 Weeks Later

The past 3 weeks has been fun. Nate and I have become a lot close, same as Brent but not really close. Like we talk but like formal talk such as 'How was your day?' And all that jazz.

"Hey Ellie." Nate said walking up next to me.

"Hey Boo-Boo. What's up?" I said laughing. I came up with a nickname for him and he made one for me about a week ago or so.

"Well I though that we could go on a date Saturday. Munchkin." He said.

I put a finger under my chin pretending to think. "Hmm. Let me check my schedule." I said pulling out my phone but putting it back as soon as it was out.

"Sure. Text me the details later." I said and he smiled and nodded.

"So cheerleading tryouts are after school. You gonna go and try out?" He asked.

Is he serious? He should know by now that I am. Like cheerleading is my life.

"Yes I am. You should go watch and wait for me." I said.

"Of course I'll watch. We don't have practice today anyways. The cheerleaders have the whole field today. " He said putting an arm around me.

"Is she bothering you Natty?" a girl asks. I rolled my eyes. Wow just wow another one. How many do I have to go through in just a day? God so much attention is coming my way and I just want the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

"No. But you are. I'm sorry but I have to go. Lets go munchkin." He said and grabbed my hand pulling me to his locker.

"You're the only girl I have eyes on right now." He says. I blush and look down.

"You look adorable when you blush." He says putting a finger under my chin and lifting it up.

"Thank you?" I said more as a question. He smiles.

"No problem cutie." He responds with and goes in for a kiss to which I switched into a hug.

"Oh so you're gonna switch up on me?" He said as we pulled away his face turning red to which I responded with by walking way.

After School Cheerleading tryouts

"Ok ladies and gentlemen when I call your name line up in front of me." A girl said and named off 10 girls. Of course she would have girls go first.

They did the routine it was simple. The girl wrote down names of girls that they think will make the cut and wrote stuff down and all on what they can improve on or feedback.

"Ok. Next round of girls." She said. I was one of them.

We did the same routine as the last group. All the girls messed up some parts of the routine but me. I don't see how they can mess up. It's such an easy routine.

After 2 hours of tryouts

"If I call your name your cut off. If I don't call your name you made the team." The girl said.

There were 10 spots open and theirs about 50 of us.

She named off 40 of them.

"Congratulations Jamie, Lisa, Kim, Amy, Devanny, Lee, Elizabeth, Charles, Matthew, Stefan, you guys made the team." The girl said.

"Just leave your number with Stacy and we'll inform you when we start practice and we'll get you guys your uniforms as soon as possible." The girl said.

I left my number with the Stacy girl and left. I saw Nate coming down the bleachers onto the field I might as well have a little fun.

"So did you make it?" He asked as he jumped from the railing on the high bleachers to the football field.

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