Chapter 2

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Bill walked after him, slower now, glaring at the ground. He knew he'd been in Dipper's body for a long time, but he had good reason. It was his only way to have a physical form, a form that could touch and feel things. Dipper's body had been the only body that felt...what...right? Bill felt normal in Dipper's body.

How dare Wirt talk about Dipper's soul. What did he know about souls?

Everything, Bill thought. 


Wirt glanced back at the demon. His hands were tucked into his coat now, his eyes hard and focused on the ground. Wirt knew he was worried.

Deep down, Wirt felt bad for Bill. For awhile, he thought maybe the demon didn't know how to leave the boy's body, but now, he thought Bill didn't know whether or not the boy would be okay if he left him. Or even if he'd still be there.

Bill claimed he had no feelings for the boy, that he couldn't care less if he lived or died. Wirt would have believed this if not for what he saw when Bill thought Wirt wasn't finished draining the sap from a tree. (He did that a lot now, more than he'd like).

Wirt was part of the forest now, so his movements were almost completely silent. When he reached Bill, he saw him on the ground, healing the cuts and bruises he'd made on his vessel. He would not have done this if he didn't care for the boy, Bill loved pain. 

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