chapter 5

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Izzy’s point of view

“SEVEN MONTHS?!” My brother screamed when I got home. He had the day off, so he had been sat on the sofa all day watching football. Weirdo.

“I know!” I exclaimed. I guess the boss’s had already gone over everything with him.

“I can’t believe I’m not gonna see you for seven whole months” My brother sighed.

“I know brother. I know” I answered weakly, walking into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and some skittles. Because I like tasting the rainbow. Problem?

“I’m not gonna make it” I told him, walking back into the living room.

“Sure you can Izzy” He said weakly, but I could tell he had his doubts.

Seven months was a really long time. This was not only going to be the longest mission I’ve ever been away on, but I won’t be able to see my brother, James, and my normal school friends. I didn’t care about school; Strainers had taught me everything I needed to know.

Seriously, when we join, we get this microchip which helps us learn things quicker. Some chips work better on different people... but let’s just say that not only am I one of the top pupils in my year, but in my whole school. Plus I know everything that we get taught in school. So Strainers can just set up a normal school exam, let me do it and pass it, then bang. I have good grades. Problem with me, it only seems good when in the class room. Everything else, I’m on my own.

Also, I’m stuck with...them. The only upside is working for Radioactive, and being able to stay in a hotel with four of my best friends, and in London. Shame James or Jake can’t do the mission with us.

“At least I have the girls. And I get to work for Radioactive. So that should be good” I smiled weakly.

“I guess” My brother simply said, and we sat in silence.

“Want to help me pack?” I asked.

“Sure” He replied, and we both got up, heading towards my room.

Not long later...

“Why so many suitcases? And dresses?” I whined. My brother had chosen all the stuff the girls had got me on my last shopping trip, and may I remind you, that was a lot. Plus, all of my favourite cloths. They filled up about nine suitcases. And that isn’t including the shoes, accessories, and stuff I want to make me feel more at home. Like my DVD.

My DVD was basically a set of disks of images and videos from when my mum was pregnant with me. My brother has one as well, but only because my mum and I made him it. One disk was from when my mum was pregnant until I started primary school. Another disk of primary school to Foxfern. From the start of Foxfern till now. I have a disk of my life in school, with normal people, and a disk of me working with Strainers. Another full of YouTube videos me, the girls and James have done, from our shared account, Weird Crew. Cool name right?

I take it with me whenever I’m away from home. Don’t ask why, I just do. It’s my thing.

I counted up all of the suitcases. FOURTEEN! Wow. Girls don’t pack light huh? Good thing we have our own jet to London. If not, getting these on would be a nightmare... plus with all of our equipment we take with us... yeah, imagine us getting caught by the air people, because we had a load of high tec gadgets and weapons? Yeah. We would get life in jail. Because I really want to put in jail, with only women there. With my looks, I might pull someone. FUN! Pahahahahaha NO! Hence sarcasm. But seriously, none of us would want to end up in jail. Jail bad.

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