chapter 12

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Izzy’s point of view

“No way!” I laughed, as Niall and I made our way inside of the store.

“Yeah! To this day, we still laugh about it” He laughed.

“Even Harry?” I asked, still laughing.

“No, he hates that story. Not surprised though, if someone threw a tampon at me I’d hate it” He laughed like a mad man, as I grabbed a trolley.

“Should we get two, or just the one trolley?” Niall asked as we began to walk inside the shop.

“Think the one would be fine. But if not, you can rush out and get another” I smiled.

“Wait a second” He stopped, and started going through his pockets. I turn to him, and tilted my head with confusion.

“What ya doin?” I asked, watching as he put on a pair of silly glasses and a beanie.

“Disguise. Don’t want fans seeing me with you, and thinking that we’re a couple” He frowned slightly. “Cause, yano, the fans get a little protective of us” He started to walking again, and put a hand on the trolley, so that he could push it. I let him, and walked besides him.

“What do you mean, protective?” I asked.

“Well, they don’t want any of us getting hurt. So if they see one of us with a girl, they sometimes start sending hate to the girl, thinking that the girl is gonna break our heart or something” he said while frowning. “I know they do it because they want to protect us, but... I’ve seen how Danielle and Eleanor can get. Louis’s and Liam’s girlfriends. Perrie is use to it, because she’s in Little Mix. She’s Zayn’s girlfriend” He explained.

“That’s bad how they do that. But I guess I can see where they are coming from” I admitted.

“You do?” He frowned.

“Well, if, like, let’s say that you were close to someone, who you hated seeing hurt, and you wanted to do everything you could to protect them, then you might start hating on someone that could hurt them” I explained slowly. I knew that, from how we all acted with Jessie and Scarlett. I never found out what happened to Scarlett, but I know she had some past boyfriend issues. That’s why I feel bad about me having to pretend having boy friend issues, cause in reality, only Jessie and Scarlett have had a problem with boys. Poppy and Hayley dated every now and then, but never really fell for anyone too hard. Then there was me, who never dated before.

“Hmm... Well I guess that is true. But it’s still horrible, because they often send hate to our families and friends. It’s not the worst but” He paused.

“But what?” It was my turn to frown. Honestly, I’m starting to ease up around him. It’s scary, because the other week I couldn’t go anywhere near One Direction related or I would cry. This afternoon, I freaked out, screamed, cried and fainted when I met the guys. But now I’m having a normal conversation with Niall. It’s scary, but nice. Nice to be normal. Sort of free from my fear.

“A small group of fans did something terrible. I love my fans, to pieces, but what that small group did; I can’t help but feel a bit...” He trailed off, as we started heading towards the first aisle.

“What happened?” I asked.

He sighed. He looked so innocent and fragile; even if the glasses covered up a lot of his face. I didn’t know what to do.

“It was my brother’s wedding, earlier this year. The fans knew it was, but where, they had no clue. Some of the fans managed to find the church where it was taken place. And, a small group of them” He stopped, looking up at the aisle we were standing in.

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