Hospitals, Again

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So far, it's been a week since the squad and I planned to do something with Ashton. He comes home today, and honestly, I can't say I'm too terribly excited. I mean, I've already gone through two tubs of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream, a whole bag of pizza rolls, and the entire series of Orange is the New Black, in his time frame. I'm pathetic, I know that, but you can't judge me for this. I know I keep playing this card, but the love of my life nearly died, and when he woke up, he didn't even remember me.

So yeah. I guess you could say my life is sucking major right now, but I can't let that stop me from trying. Currently, I was sitting in my bedroom, listening to mindless music, and scrolling through my Tumblr account. Calum and Luke would be here soon to pick me up, and we were all meeting Michael and Ashton's grandmother at the hospital. He was coming home today, and I needed to mentally prepare. Unfortunately, God didn't hear my prayers, because the doorbell rung, and I rolled my eyes.

After a few seconds, I heard keys, and two sets of feet tromp through the house.

"Luke, if you have a key, why do you insist on ringing?" I said irritably. Luke trampled through my bedroom door, with Calum following closely behind.

"Common courtesy. Some people have it..." Luke teased. Calum waved, and I smiled. It was times like these, that I was glad I had my friends around to support me.

"Lola, are you ready?" Calum asked. I sighed heavily, and nodded.

"Yeah, let's get going. We don't want to be late." The three of us trailed out of my house, and got into Luke's car. Luke sped off towards the hospital, and I sat in shotgun, which made Calum pretty upset.

"Hey lola, I know this won't be easy for you. It's not supposed to be." Luke said quietly. Calum popped his head in from the backseat.

"Yeah dude, I know this is pretty rough. You've only known Ashton for maybe 2 months or so, but you've been through hell." Calum let out a hoarse laugh. I shrugged my shoulders, and brushed it off.

But I knew it was true. On the entire drive to the hospital, I knew I was in way too deep. I fell for Ashton way too hard, and now look where it's gotten me. A couple months ago, I would've said that I absolutely hated the infamous Ashton Irwin, yet here I am. On the way to the hospital. To pick up my pretty much ex boyfriend. Yay.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, when we pulled up into the pick up parking lot. The trio of us hopped out, and walked inside slowly to the reception desk. Calum did all the talking, and Luke wrapped his arm around my shoulder protectively.

"Whatever happens from now on, just know I'll always be there to help kick ass, alright?" Luke said, with a grin on his face. I actually laughed, and gently punched Luke's side. He grimaced, but smiled at me nonetheless. Calum led us to Ashton's room, and we slowly entered.

Ashton was sitting on the bed, but instead if his hospital gown, he wore a ripped All Time Low t-shirt, and black skinny jeans. He was looking like the Ashton I knew and lov-well, the Ashton I knew. Next to him stood Michael and his grandmother. When she saw me, she smiled, as did everyone else.

"I don't understand why half of you people are here." Ashton shrugged in a bored manner. His grandma slapped his shoulder, and he winced.

"Ash, you don't remember a lot of details. You don't have the right to say that, considering you don't remember." Calum quickly snapped. I jumped, slightly startled at Calum's sudden outburst. Ashton looked taken aback for a slit second, before returning to his casual bitch face. I was beginning to feel old feelings for Ashton, like annoyance, irritation, anger, and stress. Yet underneath I still felt a stinging pain of love. It killed me inside.

"Ashton, we're all gonna take you back home." Michael said, breaking the ice from the tension quickly building up in the room. "You'll just chill out there, and then...well we," he said, referring to everyone in the room, "Wanted to take you out tomorrow." He informed.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." I added, startled by my own input. Everyone's eyes snapped towards me, and I felt my cheeks become redder by the second.

"I doubt you know what fun even is." Ashton snickered. Luke frowned, and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Ashton's gramma was about to yell at him again, before the doctor walked into the room.

"Well what a pleasant surprise, you've got quite a lot of people here, Ashton! Seems like you have a lot of friends who care about ya." The doctor said smoothly. I have a sarcastic snort, before looking to Ashton. His eyes were glued on me, and I quickly looked away.

"Yeah I do..." Ashton said quietly.

"Well you have all your release papers filled out, so you're free to leave. Just remember to take two of those pills everyday, twice a day. Once in the morning, once before bed." The doctor reminded. Ashton including his gramma nodded, and the rest of us stood around waiting for confirmation to leave.

"Until then, hope you get well. If you have any questions or concerns, anything at all, call or come to me whenever you feel necessary." The doctor smiled, before swiftly escorting himself out of the room. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Well let's all get out of here. This place makes me sick." Luke said. Ashton stayed eerily quiet, but nodded. We all left in the same cars we drive here in, with Ashton riding in Michaels car. It was a bit awkward, but no one really realized it would be until then.

Ashton was dropped off at home, as was I. I had to prepare myself for the next day, which I knew would consist of way too much human interaction, and way too much time spent with Ashton. My wounds were still fresh, as were the bad memories. I prayed that everything would go according to plan, but hey. We never always get what we want, now do we?

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