Parking it

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I've always been a fan of parks, I mean who doesn't love them? It's nice to get away from all your troubles, and just chill with a few friends. As soon as Ashton was better, everyone decided it would be a good idea if we went to the park. Last time we were all at the park together, we played hide and seek, and it was amazing, to say the least.

Except this time when we went to the park, I was this close to strangling Ashton myself. 

We were all in the car, me, Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael, and we were all frantically yelling at each other. I don't know how it happened, but when you stuff all of us in a car together, anything is possible.

"OH MY GOD, WOULD YOU STOP BLOODY TALKING?!" Luke shouted at Ashton. Ashton was going on and on about something probably insulting, and Luke had to sit right next to him. I felt bad for blondie.

"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO, YA PRICK!" Ashton fired back. I plugged my ears, and watched as Michael turned around from the passenger seat, and reached his hands out to smack someone. His face was bright red, and it almost matched his hair.

"STOP YELLING, YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRASH THIS DAMN CAR!" Calum said, clearly red in the face as well. Finally, I had had enough of this. I calmly unplugged my ears, and pulled out a blow horn from my purse. Why do I have a blow horn you ask? Well, in case a situation like this comes up. I pulled the trigger, and a loud HOOOOOOONK startled everyone to their senses. I pushed a piece of hair out of my face, and politely smiled.

Calum nearly jumped three feet into the air, and Michael quickly retreated back to his seat. Ashton gripped his ears, and since Luke was used to this, he just sighed frustratedly.

"Now that we are all quiet, I would like to continue the rest of this drive in peace." I said, looking out the window and putting the horn back. Everyone nodded, and the rest of the drive was amazingly silent.

When we pulled into the parking lot of Rosewood park, we were all too happy to jump out of the car as if it were on fire. I think Luke went to go cry somewhere, because when we all regrouped, his face was red and a little puffy. Poor penguin.

"Okaaaay, Ashton. Last time we were here, we had a really nice time as like...friends I guess." Calum said. We all voted that Calum would be the one to "take charge" of this project.

Ashton shrugged, and I face palmed.

"Alright guys. We're all gonna play hide and seek, whether you like it or not." I insisted. I knew it was a long shot, but hey. It was worth trying.

"Do we have t-"

"Yes." I interrupted Ashton mid sentence. He scowled at me, and I stuck out my tongue. Calum divided is into groups,

Ashton, me
Luke, Michael

Calum was the seeker.

It was going well so far, and Luke and Michael went to go hide by the duck pond. They disguised themselves behind some statues, and I laughed quietly. Ashton pressed his hand against my mouth.

"Do you wanna get caught?!" He frantically whispered to me. Once again, we found ourselves stuck in a huge tree. We clung onto the branches for dear life, and I looked at Ashton skeptically.

"I thought you weren't gonna take this thing seriously?" I said to him. He shrugged.

"Whatever you losers might think, I really do wanna try and remember things." He said quietly. "It's frustrating not knowing things that have already happened." My eyes widened a little at his words.

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