Waking Up

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I woke up in Chloe's arms as I heard my phone vibrating on the table. What time is it? Where's Chloe's mom? Why didn't she wake us up? How long have we been asleep?
I grab my phone as the vibrations stop and see it's almost midnight, which is way past my curfew.
My parents are going to kill me.
The phone starts vibrating in my hands again and Chloe starts to stir. I run into the garage and press the answer key immediately hearing my mothers angry voice scream through the receiver "Where in gods name are you?"
"I am so sorry mom! I fell asleep at Brandon's! We were watching a movie and I wasn't paying attention to what time it was!"
"I don't care what happened. Get home right now! You are in so much trouble young lady!"
"Yes mom," Chloe came into the garage, a worried look on her face. "I understand, I'll be home as soon as possible."
As my mom hang up Chloe came up to me and rested her head on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep, usually I'm better at not falling asleep than you are but you were so warm and comfortable."
"It's ok, stop apologizing. I just need to be able to pull out of here without my mom seeing me through the windows of our house considering she is right up the block."
"Just back out, I'll shut the garage, you can drive around the block a couple of times and then go home."
"You are the best!" I exclaimed hugging her and turning to leave.
"Where are you going? Get back here and say goodbye!" She yelled at me.
I laughed and returned to her, "Goodbye beautiful." I kissed her lightly and started to walk away as I heard "Goodbye Gorgeous, don't die when you get home."
"I'll try not to." I laughed as I got in my car turning it on; very thankful for the quiet engine.
As I circled the block every scenario went through my head. They know, dads going to beat me, that "Richard noggin" John saw us go inside her house together. She is the only lesbian in our neighborhood that's out.
My mother of course was waiting for me outside as I pulled into the driveway and parked my car. I barely had a chance to get out of my car when she grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a hug?
What did I do now?
"Thank god you're safe. This just shows what praying to our lord Jesus Christ can do. He brought you home safe and brought you straight to my arms."
"Thank you Jesus Christ." I said half laughing to myself because I thought I was going to die.
"Now go on up to bed, you do have school tomorrow; or did you forget that?" She said pushing me towards the door.
"Nope, school tomorrow morning 7:55." I said rushing inside and up to my bedroom.

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