Chapter 12

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Taylor was the one who made me and Katie’s friendship put into jeopardy. Seriously, of all the people it could have been who destroyed me and Katie’s friendship it was Taylor? How could she have done that? I trusted her. How could she have made me believed that Angie was the one who snitched to Katie that me and Nate were kissing. Once a mean girl – ALWAYS a mean girl; I used to say that a lot when I was younger. This perfectly fit Taylor’s personality.

 If she thought she was going to get away from this matter than she’s thoughtless. I’ll show her how to be a mean girl. I couldn’t runaway right now because I now have to be even meaner than her to show she doesn’t have power over me. I walked inside and stood there with my arms crossed. Taylor turned around when Melanie whispered in her ear. She didn’t seem too worried that I was standing there.

“Did you switch pills?” Taylor asked but she wasn’t interested.

“Oh yeah, that reminds,” I say rudely. I throw her the pills and she catches it with fury. “Next time don’t tell me to do something with a lie behind it. Yeah that’s right, I heard you.”

 She does a panic scoff and laughs. She really thought this whole plan through. Her fingers start to tremble but she controls it and denies my accusation. She really gets on my nerves nowadays. Every time there is a problem she is there “surprisingly”. She needs to stop being so nosy and she also needs to control her attitude.  

“I don’t know what you are talking about but it seems you didn’t do the task which I asked you to do. I’m afraid I will have to spill the beans to everyone. I don’t want to do that but it seems that I have to,” Taylor wickedly says.  

 She gives me an evil eye look as she finished her threatening sentence off.

“I don’t care anymore. I just need to know why you did that. Why did you lie about Angie snitching to Katie that Nate and I kissed when it was actually you,” I irately say.

“Why should I tell you? You haven’t helped me at all with the ‘destroy Angie plan’. You are a waste of time. Come on girls, let’s leave this coward,” Taylor drowsily says.

 She said that in a false way to make it look like I’m boring her. I just wanted to go punch her. I knew I couldn’t do that because she had two wannabe’s on her side to protect her. I just needed to find out why she snitched on me and framed Angie.

“No one is going anywhere,” I swiftly say as I block Taylor and her gang’s way. She tried to push me but I held the door knob in a tight grip. “Just give me an explanation on why you framed Angie. Then I will let you go. Just tell me Taylor.”

“Do you really want to know why?” Taylor roguishly says. I nod a couple of times because I was eager to find out why she did that. “It’s because I used you to ruin Angie’s life.”

“Wait, I don’t get it,” I say confused.

“I didn’t want to do the dirty work so I knew you two ended your friendship because of a boy. I just made you do everything. You were like my own little puppet. I was furious when you decided not to ruin Angie’s life. At Stephanie’s party I saw you and Drew come out of a closet. This made me want to murder you. I followed you after and saw you kissing Nate. I just thought you were the tramp of the night. You just beg for so many boys don’t you? You kissed my ex-boyfriend which means you are no different than Angie. You are a scum!” Taylor violently says. She looks as if she’s about to punch me. The two other girls behind her hold her back.

“It’s not what you thought. Yes I had a crush on Drew but he’s not the boy I’m in love with. I outgrew my crush on Drew when I fell in love with someone else,” I romantically say.

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