Chapter 4: Amelia

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I'm sorry for the wait for this chapter! I was really busy :s Anyway, here's chapter 4 :) 



A kiss on the cheek was all he offered me with his charming desirable lips. The new boy pecked me on the cheek so amiably. He ignored me the whole day yesterday and he gave me a kiss a day after to make up for what he did.

  That might be the best explanation yet, but I expressed how I was fond of him even though he hadn’t made the slightest contact with me. Why did he quickly runaway straight after he kissed me? I knew he liked me somehow because I had caught him staring at me outside school whilst he was next to the devil’s daughter; Jessica.

  I had been thinking about Justin all day until Mum interrupted my thoughts. I was dazing at the window as my head had been resting on my palm so nonchalantly. Mum had shaken me out of the blue, causing me to nastily fall off the chair.

  ‘Mum, are you trying to kill me?’ I shrieked as I questioned her oratorically. ‘You can’t just do that to someone who is thinking about something,’ I stated clearly so she wouldn’t have done this type of thing again.

  ‘Well I thought you were thinking about that ex-boyfriend of yours so I disturbed your thoughts,’ Mum retorted promptly. ‘Are you and the new boy friends? I bet he can’t get you out of his mind,’ Mum winked as she replied cheekily. ‘I don’t want you to get over Jake with him though; it’s not nice to use him to be a rebound.’  

  ‘Oh my goodness Mum, never ever! I am not that desperate,’ I retorted oversensitively. ‘I’m steering away from the conversation now; I don’t want to answer your question, but I need someone to talk to. I can’t even have a conversation with him because-’

  ‘Are you ignoring him?’ Mum asked as she interrupted. ‘You shouldn’t lead him on.’

  ‘It is more like the other way round,’ I said harshly, not looking towards her direction. ‘He ignored me all day yesterday for no reason and when I got into a fight with Jessica, he came up to me and kissed me on the cheek,’ I expressed with a confusion implied.

  ‘That is so romantic,’ Mum voiced with as she suffocated me with a tight hug.

  ‘Mum, he left straight after he kissed me,’ I replied simply.  

  ‘Oh,’ Mum mumbled as her tone goes a bit awkward when she pulled away from our hug. ‘This boy is hiding something from you. I think he is just shy. I am not forcing you to get into a relationship with him, no way, but just try and be friendly with him so he can express himself with you,’ Mum ordered in a nice style.

    ‘I remember you had a saying about shy boys, what was it again?’ I asked intrigued.

  She always used to say this to me when I was little. She thought that it would have been helpful to me when I was older. I couldn’t remember what the saying was, but I remembered that it wasn’t romantic. It had something to do with shy boys.

  ‘Oh yes, I remember telling you an old saying of mine,’ Mum uttered.

  ‘Do you remember it?’ I asked with both of my eyebrows up.

  ‘Oh yes,’ Mum mumbled under her breath. ‘Shy boys have secrets.’


  After dinner I went to go to my babysitting job. I had this job for two years now. The job was now awkward because a person whom I despised right now is a loving sibling to the girl I was babysitting tonight. I had to admit that this may have been the worst job I could have ever asked for because I was babysitting Jake’s little sister - Christina.

Mixing Bloodlines (Story Is Now Cancelled, Sorry!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora