Bad Choices

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At around 7:30, people were flooding into the house by the numbers! By 8:00 there's was barely any room to move, and the music was so loud that you could barely hear all the people talking. I managed to make my way into the kitchen where Amanda was kissing some guy. "Hey, um Amanda?", I yelled. She pulled her face away from the guy, and looked at me, her hair, a mess, and her lipstick was smeared all over the guys face. "Yeah, um what's up", She said trying to fix her hair. "Have you seen Zach?" "Um no, he might be upstairs in his room though. Ask Josh, or Mason", she said before wrapping her arms back around the guys neck.

It took me about 15 minutes before I made it to the second floor. It wasn't that crowded up there so I was able to walk straight to the room with the "Do Not Enter" sign without pushing past anyone. I cracked open the door, and peeked inside. I could see Aramis standing against a wall with his arms wrapped around a girls waist. I opened the door a little more and saw a couple of people just standing in the corner. Just then I turned my head and could see Zach. He was staring right at me the whole time. The room was so dark that I couldn't tell if he was looking at me or something next to me, but he was looking in my direction. When I saw him sit up, I slowly closed the door, and ran back to the staircase. "Hey Ashley", he yelled. I stopped dead in my tracks. I was so close to the staircase. I could've just ran down and blended in with the hundreds of people down there. "Ashley, where you going?", He yelled again. I turned around and looked at him. "You know, you'd never be a good spy", he said. I laughed and walked back towards the room. "Come in, come in", he said putting his hand around my shoulder and pulling me into the room. The room smelled like burnt ash, and it was really foggy, even though all the windows were open. There were about 25 people in it. "Everyone, this is my good friend Ashley. Ashley this is.... Uh.... Everyone", He yelled. "hi", I said softly. "What are you guys doing in here", I said to Zach. "Ah, we just took a brake from being downstairs. there's so many people." "Yeah well who's fault is that", I said laughing. He laughed and walked me over to a couch. "Yo Zach, we should head to the backyard", Aramis yelled. "Sure lets go. Wanna see the best damn way to get to a backyard ever", he said. "Sure", I replied. Zach walked over to the window and started to to climb into it. "What the heck are you doing", I screamed. "Don't worry, he knows what he's doing", Aramis reassured me. In a second Zach was gone. I covered my mouth and ran over to the window that he had just jumped from. "IF THATS NOT THE BEST WAY TO GET AROUND, THEN I DONT KNOW WHAT IS", Zach yelled as he came up out of the pool. A big smile came to my face as I backed up against a wall. "Don't worry. I was scared too when he first did it.", a girl said to me. All of sudden Aramis was in the window, and in the next 5 seconds, he was gone. Everyone ran to one of the 3 windows, and then 5 minutes later they were opening them and jumping out. After 5 minutes, there was only me and Joshua left in the room. "Ashleyyyyyyy", I heard Zach call from outside. I went to the window and they were all in the pool. "Cmon guys jump", he yelled. I turned around to Joshua who was drinking something. He put the cup down and ran over to the window "I coming!", he yelled. Everyone screamed and cheered as he jumped out the window and landed in the pool. "Your turn Ash!", Zach yelled. I looked around the empty room and picked up a cup. I drank some of the "Juice", put my phone in one of Zachs dresser draws, and the ran over to the window. "I'm Coming In!"


"EVERYBODY, THE POOLS BACK HERE", Zach yelled opening up the back doors. Loads of people from the first floor ran out into the backyard and jumped into the almost 50 ft long pool. I don't know what came over me, but I found myself running and jumping into the pool along with everyone else. It just felt so good to be free. No worrying about Jacob, or thinking about Jake. Just me, being a normal kid. I drifted around in the water until I found myself at the edge. I opened my eyes and saw Zach standing over me. "Hey sleepy head", he said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the water. "Want some", he said handing me a cup. I drank the entire thing without even thinking about it. We walked across the backyard and sat down at a lawn table. "You having fun?", he asked me. "Yes, you don't even know", I replied. He pulled one of the bags out of his pockets. it was filled with pills. "Be right back", he said running into the house. I looked around and saw all the people dancing and swimming, and I loved it. Zach came back about 5 minutes later with 2 cups full of "Juice". "What is this", I asked. "I don't really know, but its really good", Zach said and we both laughed. He took a pill out of his bag, and then handed me one. I took it from him without even a second thought, and washed it down with the drink. I felt this strange sensation come over me over the next 10 minutes. Everything felt so.... So real. All of a sudden, someone was grabbing my hand. It was Zach, he grabbed my hand, and we ran back over to the house. The music surrounded me as we ran through the house, pushing through people and laughing at nothing. Then everything went black.


I woke up on the bed with a group of people standing over me. I looked at the clock. It was 7 am. I turned to the other side and saw Zach sleeping. "Hey, she's awake", I heard people say. "Wha-, What happened?", I asked."You were downstairs doing shots with Zach, and then you just passed out. Zach brought you up here, and he fell asleep watching you.", Aramis said. "Is it really 7 am", I said looking at the clock again. "Yeah." I sat up and looked around the room. It was trashed. All his stuff was either broken or on the floor, but his dresser looked untouched. I got up and walked over to his dresser reaching inside and getting my phone. I dreaded turning it on and seeing what kind of number awaited me in my missed calls section. "Hey, are you alright", Aramis asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, I think I'm gonna go home now", I said. "Cmon ill drive you", he said. We walked out into the hallway, and to my surprise, there were still dozens of people in the house. Half of them were sleep, and I guess the other half passed out like I did, based on their positions. One guy even fell asleep in with his head in the fridge. We got to the car and I sat down, lowering my head. "Well someones popular", he said pointing to my phone. I looked at the phone, and the number was worst than I thought. 157 missed calls. I wanted to cry. The only shocking part is that when I opened up my phone to check them, almost all the calls were from JAKE! Only 5 were from my mom, and 25 from Jacob. I locked the phone, and held my head in my hands. "You know, you're really fun when you get comfortable", Aramis said. "What?" "Yeah. Last night seemed like it was the most fun you ever had." "Wait, can u please tell me what happened last night? I can't remember anything after the pool", I asked him. "Well. when you two got back in two the house, you decided to drink the entire carton of Tropicana. which was spiked with vodka. Then, you started dancing with everyone, and I think you jumped out the window about 3 times, oh an my personal favorite, when you went around making out with all the boys that were 'cuter than me'", he said with a smile. I didn't want to believe any of it, but I did remember jumping out of a window, so anything couldve been possible. Plus I had thought Aramis was cute from the day I first saw him, why would I do that? You do get pretty mean though", he added. "How?" "Well, besides the cuter than me thing, you spilled your drink on about 4 girls, and 5 guys, but i doubt they'll remember that they were too drunk. You punched Joshua in the face, but again he was probably too drunk to remember, and i think you kicked some guy in the balls. Oh and did I mention that you made out with Zach about 5 times. Don't worry, i wont tell anybody though. I mean i don't want people hating you in your first month here.", he said. I had to catch myself. Did I really do those things. Really!? We pulled up to my house and I got out. I said goodbye to Aramis and went inside the house. to my surprise there was someone sitting on the couch. Someone that I wasn't ready to talk to.

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