I Miss You

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"So how are you??"

"Im good, I'm good. How are you?"

"Im ok. Really tired from all the filming, but I really wanna be supportive of Zach."




"Do you miss me?"

"What!? Ash, YES! Of course I miss you, what kind of question even is that"

"Haha calm down Jake, I was just wondering. I mean you don't seem very happy to hear from me"

"Well, It is 2 am here... Not exactly jumping for joy time"








"Do you miss me?"

"Well of course Jake, i mean you're my best friend, how could I not?"


"Is something wrong"

"No, no, no its just tha-"

"Omg the best friend thing, Im sorry I didn't mean it like that. It just slipped out. I'll always love you Jake, but you know, i'm with Zach now. We've been through this so many times, I mean, I don't even know what else to say, were obviously not meant to be, and Zach just makes me so happy! Im sorry Jake"




"Jake are you there"


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